1. (factory) worker
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (91 in total)
factory; plant; mill; workshop
workshop; studio; atelier
handicraft; work; construction; maneuvering; manoeuvering
drawing and manual arts (school subject)
method of construction
industrial arts; craft
craftsman; skilled artisan
equal workmanship but different style
drafted (factory) worker; conscripted worker; forced laborer
factory; plant; mill; workshop
manufacturing; processing; treatment; machining
construction work
artificial; man-made; human work; human skill; artificiality
combat engineer; military engineer; combat engineering; military engineering
(manufacturing) industry
tool; implement
heavy industry
factory worker
commerce and industry
department (or school) of technology, engineering or science
workman; craftsman; laborer; labourer; artisan
artisan; mechanic
metalwork; metalsmith; goldsmith
female factory worker
Ministry of Works (Tang-dynasty China)
painter; artist
building time; construction period
swordsmith; swordmaker
workload; man-hour
engineering course
automobile industry
craft; craftsman
skilled worker; skilled labour
construction cost
machinist; mechanic
science and technology
wages; pay
technical college
work of nature
(car) mechanic
agriculture and industry
Bachelor of Engineering
lathe operator
construction area; section of a construction project
pressman; printer
manufactured article; work; (a) construction; structure
higher technical school
factory worker with a fixed term contract of employment
typesetter; compositor
completion of construction work
male worker; male machine operator
construction worker employed on scaffolding; fitter; rigger
metallurgical worker
the industrial world
type picker
skilled artisan
chemical engineering
multi-skilled worker; cross-trained worker
a spinner; spinning mill employee
sheet metal worker
body modification
worker who only does one task; single skill worker
priming materials
type of works; work item
manufactured article
farrier; horseshoer; blacksmith
Doctor of Engineering
Master of Engineering
temporary worker
fuller (of cloth)
different in appearance but essentially the same in content; equal in skills or workmanship but different in style or artistic flavor; the same for all practical purposes
armorer; armourer
finishing workman; finisher; fitter
assembler (e.g. in a factory); assemblyman; fitter
slope stabilization
weir (usu. for irrigation)
job sequencing; routing; route
bridge (dentistry); bridgework
migrant worker from the countryside (in China)
(rural) migrant worker (in China)
general contractor; main contractor