1. merit; success; meritorious deed
2. achievement; accumulated experience
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
completion of construction
meritorious deed; services
military exploits; military feats; military achievements; distinguished military service
distinguished war service; merit of war
wisdom of age; sagacity of one's years; old-man's wisdom
breathing exercise; breath control; spirit cultivation; chi kung; qigong
great achievement; glorious deed; (gaining) fame; (earning) distinction
cleverness; skill; tact; clever person (in a particular field); skillful person (skilful)
meritorious war service
merits; distinguished services
success; achievement; fruition
conferral of honors (honours), according to merits
experienced; seasoned; veteran
distinguished or meritorious service
merits and demerits; good points and bad points; strengths and weaknesses
meritorious retainer
earthwork; earthworks; laborer; labourer; navvy
fruits of a wife's labour (in assisting her husband's career, e.g. by running the household)
exploit; achievement
long service
outstanding achievement; signal achievement
great deed
the fruit of diligent study
merit bonus
meritorious deed
merits and demerits
Falun Gong; Falun Dafa
spiritual power resulting from Buddhist discipline