1. being full
2. (counting) completed years (e.g. when calculating age)
3. full (years, months, etc.)
before a number
4. Manchuria
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (61 in total)
full of; brimming with
full tank (esp. of gasoline); full capacity (of a battery, receptacle, etc.)
dissatisfaction; discontent; displeasure; complaint; unhappiness
having enough of (food, drink, etc.); having one's fill; fully enjoying
yakuman; win worth 32000 points (or, if dealer, 48000 points)
fully loaded; full load; loaded condition
covering the whole ground
perfect score; full marks; extremely; very; quite
full house; no vacancy; sold out; standing room only; full (of people); crowded
win worth 12000 points (or, if dealer, 18000 points)
being rich; having plenty of money; wallowing in money
win worth 16000 points (or, if dealer, 24000 points)
full to the brim with water
(the) whole face
full moon
less than; under; below
great delight; great satisfaction; rapture
the whole sky
harmonious; peaceful; happy; amicable; smooth; free from trouble
full house; all seats occupied; fully occupied
long-awaited; much-awaited
no vacancy; full occupancy
bases loaded
whole house; whole audience
the whole assembly; the full house; whole group; everyone
yakuman; win worth 32000 points (or, if dealer, 48000 points)
heartfelt; sincere; wholehearted
expiration; termination
Manchu-Han Imperial Feast; three-day feast of Chinese delicacies held during the Qing dynasty
expiration (of a term); maturity (e.g. investment); serving one's (full) time
full amount
all over the world
Russia and Manchuria
self-satisfaction; (self-)complacency
the whole audience
the whole mountain; all the mountains
as far as the eye can see
Manchuria and Inner Mongolia
all beds occupied (hospital); no beds (hospital); no vacancy
win worth 16000 points (or, if dealer, 24000 points)
fulfilment of a vow; fulfillment of a vow
being fully occupied (of a parking lot)
everywhere in the capital (e.g. Tokyo); everyone in the capital
win worth 12000 points (or, if dealer, 18000 points)
age (expressed in the Western style of counting fully completed years)
one full year
"grain full" solar term (approx. May 21)
win worth 24000 points (or, if dealer, 36000 points)
win worth 24000 points (or, if dealer, 36000 points)
South Manchuria
due date; date of maturity; expiration date; date of expiry
full charge (battery, condensor)
tympanites; abdominal dropsy; bloating of the abdominal region
full house; all tables full
every flow has its ebb; arrogance leads to downfall
full subscription (of shares)
information on space availability in a parking lot (car park)
Qing-dynasty system assigning equal numbers of Manchurians and Han Chinese to central government agencies
Japanese-Manchu language
gathering of excellent and capable people