1. headdress; crown; covering; fogging (photography); blushing
Kanji used
be a target of
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (11 in total)
headgear; headdress; (novelty) mask; head mask
feigned innocence or naivete; beguiling innocence; wolf in sheep's clothing
headgear; headdress; (novelty) mask; head mask
covering one's head with a handkerchief, scarf, etc.; tying a cloth around one's head; feigning ignorance; shutting one's eyes (to)
phimosis; tightening of the foreskin
cask wrapped in straw matting; beggar
towel wrapped around a woman's head
overestimation; overrating
towel wrapped around a woman's head
seats closest to the ring; ringside seat
wearing a hat pushed back on one's head