Pre-noun adjective
1. only ...; no more than ...; a matter of
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Composed of
thing; object; one's things; possessions; things; something; quality
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
something worth mentioning; something to count on; something problematic
mindset; outlook; view; way of looking at things; perspective
splendidly; brilliantly
the principle of the thing
some book; book about that subject; books
mono no aware; appreciation of the fleeting nature of beauty; pathos of things; strong aesthetic sense
take the opportunity to (do something else)
what one likes, one will do well; you become good at what you like doing
(vengeful) ghost; specter; spectre
mono no aware; appreciation of the fleeting nature of beauty; pathos of things; strong aesthetic sense
spur of the moment; mere chance
mono no aware; appreciation of the fleeting nature of beauty; pathos of things; strong aesthetic sense
mono no aware; appreciation of the fleeting nature of beauty; pathos of things; strong aesthetic sense
fair-minded; sensible
spur of the moment; mere chance
name of a thing; acrostic poem in which consecutive morae form the disguised name of an animal, plant, place, etc.
selvedge (non-fray machined edge of fabrics); selvage
take the opportunity to (do something else)
Internet of Things; IoT
tools; implements; imperial court dress; arms; armor