1. going; travelling; traveling; journey; trip
2. act; action
3. bank
4. counter for banks
5. counter for groups or parties of people
6. type of classical Chinese verse (usu. an epic from the Tang period onwards)
7. shopping district (of similar merchants; in the Sui and Tang periods)
8. merchants' guild (in the Tang period)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (110 in total)
accompanying; travelling together; traveling together; same bank
meandering; snaking; zigzagging
aviation; flight; flying; to fly; to take a flight
fashion; trend; vogue; prevalence (of a disease); epidemic
knowledge and action; ruling a fief; ruling a territory given by one's liege; territory given by one's liege
service (bus, train); operation; motion; revolution; movement
travel; trip; journey; excursion; tour
forcing; enforcement; forced; enforced
filial piety; showing devotion (to someone)
crime; criminal act; offence; offense
walking around at night; night travel; night train
parallelism; running parallel (to, with); running concurrently; occurring at the same time; not reaching an agreement (e.g. of a debate)
taking (a suspect to the police); dragging (someone) away
bank; banking institution
celebration (of ceremony); solemnization (e.g. of a marriage); solemnisation
biwa song
action; conduct; behaviour; behavior; mobilization; mobilisation
foolish act; folly
acting as agent; acting on (someone's) behalf; executing business for
overseas travel (to Western countries); going abroad (to study or travel); store operated by a foreigner (in pre-communist China)
another bank; other bank; absence from home; going out
going ahead; going first; preceding; coming before; scoring first; getting off to a lead
passage (of people, traffic); passing; common usage
shadow; tail; following
assault; outrage; act of violence; rape; sexual assault
ordinary train; slow train
printing; publishing
use; exercise (of one's right, authority, power, etc.)
march; marching
hurrying (to somewhere); rushing; hastening; express (train)
publication; issue
decisive action; carrying out; resolute enforcement; execution
the flight formation of geese; lining up shoulder to shoulder like flying geese; leading out
ability to take action; ability to take initiatives; energy; dynamism; drive
running (of a car, bus, etc.); traveling; travelling; running (of a program)
eccentricity; eccentric behaviour
misdeed; wrongdoing; wickedness
behaviour; behavior
violence; murder; crime
good deed; good conduct; benevolence
reverse movement; retrogression; going backwards; retrogradation; retrogression
passer-by; traveler; traveller
flight; elopement
bank clerk
present; current; in operation
making an attempt; trial run
going west; heading westward
our bank
active; dynamic; behavioural
obscenity; harlotry
traveller's journal; traveler's journal; travelogue
delinquency; misconduct
speech and behaviour (behavior)
outing; excursion; pleasure trip; going on a picnic
(your) bank
(moral) conduct; behaviour; behavior; deportment
traveling incognito; travelling incognito
tourist resort; holiday resort
to go on a trip with someone; to accompany on a trip
horseback riding
character and conduct
regional bank
taking action although it may result in death; acting while being fully prepared to die
mountain hiking; walking in the mountains
carrying out in a large group
disgraceful (scandalous) conduct; shameful behavior; shameful behaviour
personal conduct
each line
former conduct
traveling; travelling; traveler; traveller
great enterprise; great task
conduct; deportment
going alone; doing by oneself
several lines (e.g. of flying birds); several streaks (e.g. of tears)
writing (style)
age at one's death
conferring of an award
publishing; printing; sealing
going to famous sightseeing spots, ruins, etc. seeking inspiration for waka or haiku; reciting or composing poetry while strolling
behavioral characteristic; behavioral trait
traveling with one's bicycle using public transportation
doing simultaneously
acting arbitrarily; arbitrary action
going south; heading southward
going in order; proceeding in order; direct motion; prograde motion; (arch.) carrying out something without disobeying one's orders
this bank; my bank
time or energy to spare
commercial bank; city bank; private bank; high street bank
bank money
walking; going on foot
following (a standard, precedent, etc.)
going right ahead
brutal or bestial act
transverse parity check
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
major banks; leading banks
visiting a bank
god who protects the roads; traveler's guardian deity
Examples (7 in total)
You should leave out these two lines.
He made ten mistakes in as many lines.
Leave a space between the lines.