1. detail; details
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (53 in total)
detailed discussion
dainty; delicate (e.g. fingers); fine; sensitive; delicate (feelings, sense, etc.); subtle
fine; minute; detailed; meticulous; precise
reasons; circumstances; significance; hindrance; obstruction; interference
one's wife; wife (of somebody below the speaker in rank)
details; particulars
meticulous; careful; discreet; scrupulous; prudent
minute; micro; detailed; delicate; subtle
bacterium; bacteria; germ
particulars; details; specified items
details; particulars; detailed; minute; detailed statement
capillary vessel; capillary
subdivision; segmentation; fractionalization; fragmentation
insignificant; trifling; paltry; cottage (industry); tiny (company)
detailed knowledge; finely detailed
small piece; fragment; chip; splinter; strip; shred
great and small; in detail; all
small type or handwriting
(visual) scrutiny; close inspection; detailed map; detailed guide; guide to the Yoshiwara red light district
subdivision (into small parts)
streamlet; brooklet; rivulet
fine brush or pencil; small or fine handwriting
the poor; paupers
by-laws; detailed regulations
trifle; minor detail
minute; meager; meagre; mean
small tube; pipette; tubule
thin line
detailed explanation
shredding; chopping up; pulping
fine grain; fine granule; microsphere
slit; interstice; narrow aperture
minute; minuscule
bacterial toxin
microlith (small stone tool)
Siebold's wild ginger (esp. its dried root or rhizome, used as an antitussive and analgesic in traditional Chinese medicine)
bacterial bed
shredder; chopper
metallic foil cut into strips or other shapes to form decorative motifs; cutting a thin sheet of metal into shapes and affixing it with lacquer forming natural features (e.g. clouds)
fine dust
detailed annotation; full annotation; annotation in small type
spy; secret agent; ninja