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Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (34 in total)
summer solstice
of paramount importance; extremely important; essential
art of consummate skill
most difficult; next to impossible
very; extremely; exceedingly; top; highest; best
point-blank range
urgent; pressing; immediate; urgently; promptly; at once
supreme; sublime; highest
beatitude; supreme bliss
just; fair; proper; reasonable
wise saying
extreme reverence; deeply revered person; the Emperor
absolute purity
sincerity; genuine feeling
immense; enormous
Mahasthamaprapta (bodhisattva)
holy of holies; sanctum sanctorum
express mail
very convenient
the highest good
the two solstices (summer and winter)
supreme filial piety
perfect fairness
perfect correctness
attack your enemy's strength with your weakness
utmost purity
light air (Beaufort scale)
four sides (boundaries) of a property
completely fair or just
persuasive argument
solstitial point