1. bhava (becoming, existence)
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
existence or nonexistence; presence or absence; consent or refusal; yes or no
discrimination; historical school of poetic thought; attachment; distractions
related to the teachings of Buddha; able to be saved by Buddha; related; relevant
virtuous; rich
patterned (e.g. clothes, pottery); figured
mob; the masses; rabble; riffraff
ecstasy; highest heaven
living thing; animate
sentient beings; humaneness; compassion
realm of existence
untonsured (monk or priest or nun)
nonexistence or existence; absence or presence
bardo; state (or period) of intermediate existence between one's death and rebirth (in Japan, 49 days)
streak of good luck
the instant of birth (rebirth)
the instant of death
temporary existence
state (or period) of life
contemplation on concrete, tangible things
the four stages of existence: birth, life, death, and limbo
Examples (1 in total)
Can we create something out of nothing?