1. prison; jail; gaol
2. firm; solid; strong
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
jail; gaol; jailhouse
holding a castle (during a siege); holing up; confinement (to one's home); staying at home; staying indoors
indecent; indelicate
prison; jail; gaol
keeping in mind; taking note of; remembering; taking to heart
inro; seal case; pill box; medicine case
(punishment by being placed in a) water-filled chamber
ronin; masterless samurai; high school graduate waiting for another chance to enter university after having failed the yearly entrance examination; person out of work; jobless person; (arch.) wanderer
firmly; strongly
jail made by placing bars across a cave entrance; cave prison
solid; strong; sturdy; durable; stout
garden lantern; hanging lantern
prison guard; jailer; gaoler
(Edo-period) room for confining criminals or lunatics
bamboo steamer; steaming basket; wooden frame holder with reed base used to steam food over a pot; soba served on a small wickerwork tray; wickerwork tray (for serving soba)
dungeon; underground prison
retirement (to a temple of shrine) for prayer
medicine chest (container)
(Edo-period) head of a prisoners' group
precinct of a jail; vicinity of a prison
breaking out of prison; jailbreak
staying at home or indoors; living in seclusion; retirement
dying in prison
dungeon; underground prison
(Edo-period) jail warden; jailer
jail for women (Edo period)
whipping, stone placement, and shrimp-tie bondage (three forms of Edo-period torture)
gabion; cage filled with stones
locking the barn door after the horse has bolted; doing something too late; (lit.) mending the pen after the sheep are lost