1. ouch; ow; that hurt
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
pain; ache; soreness; damage; injury; wear
pitiful; heartbreaking; heartrending; touching; tragic; sad
to torment; to punish; to treat harshly; to beat up; to give a drubbing; to cause damage to
pitiful; pathetic; painful to look at
stomach ache; abdominal pain
of no concern at all; no skin off my nose
to hurt; to injure; to harm; to damage; to worry; to bother
thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes; being the apple of one's eye; loving someone dearly
thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes; being the apple of one's eye; loving someone dearly
delicate situation; choice of two evils; mixed blessing
painfully itchy; painful and itchy
car painted with anime characters
thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes; being the apple of one's eye
bicycle decorated with anime characters
torture (in the Edo-period)
nails adorned with images of anime characters
to be in pain (referring to others); to complain of pain
train decorated with anime characters
taxi decorated with anime characters
handbag decorated with anime characters (esp. with badges)