1. ouch; ow; that hurt
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
pain; ache; soreness; damage; injury; wear
car painted with anime characters
stomach ache; abdominal pain
one's weak point; one's sore spot; raw nerve
car painted with anime characters
itai-itai disease; mass cadmium poisoning in Toyama Prefecture starting in the 1910s caused by industrial waste
painful experience
thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes; being the apple of one's eye; loving someone dearly
being painfully-true (e.g. reprimand); making one's ears burn; striking home (e.g. remark)
delicate situation; choice of two evils; mixed blessing
thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes; being the apple of one's eye
there, there; kiss it better; (lit.) pain, pain, fly away
bicycle decorated with anime characters
itai-itai disease; mass cadmium poisoning in Toyama Prefecture starting in the 1910s caused by industrial waste
itai-itai disease; mass cadmium poisoning in Toyama Prefecture starting in the 1910s caused by industrial waste
torture (in the Edo-period)
nails adorned with images of anime characters
train decorated with anime characters
taxi decorated with anime characters
handbag decorated with anime characters (esp. with badges)