1. flying; leaping; flight; leap
2. zero; naught; oh
when reading a number aloud; e.g. 20036 = 二万とびとび三十六
3. flying fish (esp. the Japanese flying fish, Cypselurus agoo)
4. running out of points (zero or fewer); game ending due to a player running out of points
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (82 in total)
best; extra-fine; exceptionally; extraordinarily; jumping and slashing (e.g. at an enemy)
best; extra-fine; superfine; exceptionally; extraordinarily; by far
to jump in; to leap in; to plunge into; to burst in; to barge in
to jump out; to rush out; to appear (suddenly); to protrude; to project; to butt in
to project; to protrude; to pop out (e.g. eyes); to jump out; to rush out
to spring; to jump up; to fly up; to skip
to spring at; to leap upon; to swoop down on; to throw oneself upon (e.g. an enemy)
to jump at; to be attracted by
to jump down; to jump off; to jump from; to jump out of
to jump (out of the way); to jump back; to jump aside
to jump upon (a moving object)
to jump up and down; to hop
to jump over; to clear; to walk over (someone)
to leap back; to jump back
to fly about; to skip about; to bustle about
to fly about; to flutter about; to flit about; to fly past each other
skipping rope; jump rope; skipping; rope-jumping
to be preeminent; to be outstanding
to jump up to one's feet
to fly around; to scatter
to jump up; to start up; to leap to one's feet; to fly away; to take off
to jump from one thing to another
one jump; one flight; (at) once; (in) one stroke
scattered here and there; at intervals
to project; to protrude; to pop out (e.g. eyes); to jump out; to rush out
to fly away; to flee away; to scatter
to leap over
jumping sideways; flying sideways; running hurriedly (with one's body bent forward)
jumping sideways; flying sideways; running hurriedly (with one's body bent forward)
to fly apart; to tower over; to be out of the ordinary
one jump; one flight; (at) once; (in) one stroke
jump; plunge; dive; appearing without an appointment; bursting in; arriving unannounced
taking part on the spur of the moment; participating without registering beforehand; last-minute entrant; specking on flower petals
to flit about
flying fish (esp. the Japanese flying fish, Cypselurus agoo)
to fly past
to fly; to soar
long jump; broad jump
to fly about; to flutter about; to flit about; to fly past each other
(at) one bound
flight; escape; running away; flying high
to walk about
leaping flames; flying sparks; spread of fire (due to leaping flames); repercussions in unanticipated areas; spilling over; impetigo contagiosa
jumping sideways; flying sideways; running hurriedly (with one's body bent forward)
to jump in; to dive in; to fly in; to rush in; to dash in
long jump; broad jump
(Chinese) jump rope; jumping over a fixed elastic rope
jumping match; running match
firearms; missile; projectile weapon
skipping a grade
taking part on the spur of the moment; participating without registering beforehand; last-minute entrant; specking on flower petals
stepping stones; stone skipping; ducks and drakes
jumping off
detached territory; enclave; exclave; scattered landholdings
jumping sideways; flying sideways; running hurriedly (with one's body bent forward)
something that leaps or thrusts out
high jump
jumping along in a squatting position; bunny-hopping
jumping along in a squatting position; bunny-hopping
triple jump; hop, step and jump
Fosbury-back flop; backward jump
springboard; diving board
skipping (e.g. on a CD); jumping
springtail (wingless insect of the order Collembola)
rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome)
flying fish roe; (arch.) travelling male homosexual prostitute
(game of) leapfrog; leapfrogging
whiteout; overexposure
(game of) leapfrog
locust swarming; locust swarm; (swarming) locusts
flying far; blasting (e.g. into the sky); powerful jump; leap
washed-out colour (in photography) (color)
washed-out colour (in photography) (color)
back handspring (gymnastics)
fancy diving
forward handspring (gymnastics)
jumping match; running match
frame skipping (e.g. during video playback)
halma (board game)
flight shame (anti-flying movement); flight-shaming; flygskam
Scissors jump
best; extra-fine; superfine; exceptionally; extraordinarily; by far