1. unpreparedness
2. falsehood
3. Chinese "Emptiness" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (34 in total)
kanji representing verb or adjective
nominal rank
nihility; nothingness
emptiness; hollowness; vacancy; inanity; pointlessness; meaninglessness
falsehood; untruth; lie; fallacy (logic)
bluff; false show of power; bold front
virtual image; false image; pretense; pretence
falsehood; lie
feebleness; weakness; imbecility
imaginary number
lethargy; despondency; mental numbness; (physical) collapse; prostration
vanity; vainglory
falsehood and truth; fiction and fact
weak constitution
open-minded; receptive; free from preconceived ideas
false reputation; empty title; empty name
false news; canard; fabricated news story; misinformation; fake news
full of wiles and tricks; match between persons equal in shrewdness mobilizing all the tricks each can muster; shrewdly avoiding the opponent's strong points and attacking its weaknesses
(male) emaciation due to sexual overindulgence
empty (useless) formalities
risky business
the sky; the universe; taixu (the great vacuity, in Chinese philosophy, the primordial substance that gives rise to qi)
imaginary part (of complex number)
groundless rumor; groundless rumour
false rumor; false rumour
the soft sciences (social science, humanities, etc.)
false reporting; fake news
calm and free of ambition or care
falsehood; syntactic expletive
imaginary expression
lie; falsehood
imaginary root
match between persons equal in shrewdness