1. well curb
2. Chinese "Well" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
Kanji used
a well
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
the street; the town
wooden watchtower; battlefield watchtower
well bottom; narrow place
orderly; regular; systematic; well-organized; well-organised; trim
well-ordered; in good order; orderly
the nine principal points in a game of go
well drilling
well drilling
(natural) gas well
winze (mining); well (oil, gas)
to fail to make timely preparations; (lit.) to not dig a well until one is thirsty
bamboo steamer; steaming basket; wooden frame holder with reed base used to steam food over a pot; soba served on a small wickerwork tray; wickerwork tray (for serving soba)
bamboo steamer; steaming basket; wooden frame holder with reed base used to steam food over a pot; soba served on a small wickerwork tray; wickerwork tray (for serving soba)