1. bonze; monk
2. monk's dwelling
when read as "ぼう"
3. boy; son; sonny
4. I; me
used by male children
when read as "ぼう"
Familiar language
5. little
after name; familiar form of address
when read as "ぼう"
6. person who is ...
often preceded by ん
when read as "ぼう"
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (53 in total)
smooth; flat; featureless; uneventful; noppera-bō; mythical being with flat featureless face
baby; infant
boy; son; child; mere boy; stripling; greenhorn
wooden doll; blockhead; good-for-nothing
glutton; gourmand
sleeping in late; oversleeping; late riser; sleepyhead
flustered person; hasty person
wheedling child; spoiled child (spoilt); pampered child; child who always demands attention
Buddhist priest; monk; boy
hide-and-seek (game); hide-and-go-seek
baby; infant
lonely person; someone who easily succumbs to loneliness
glutton; gourmand
cemetery guard; crematorium worker
miser; cheapskate; skinflint
fop; swell; dude; coxcomb; vain person
cherry fruit (esp. sweet cherry, Prunus avium)
wheedling child; spoiled child (spoilt); pampered child; child who always demands attention
lonely person; someone who easily succumbs to loneliness
naked person (esp. child)
being kept standing (without doing anything); remaining on one's feet; beggar; tramp; prostitute; streetwalker; tout (for a hostess bar)
wanderer; vagabond; capricious person; hobo
naked person (esp. child)
wild boar piglet
cherry fruit (esp. sweet cherry, Prunus avium)
oversleeping; late riser
boaster; braggart; bossy person; overbearing person
large sea turtle; heavy drinker
second son
temple; monk's quarters; monk
Hon'inbō; Honinbo; grand master of the game of go
head temple (of a branch temple); head priest's temple quarters
middle-school student
visitor's or pilgrims' lodgings in a temple; priest's quarters
black person; darkie; well-tanned person; (wheat) smut; stagehand (in kabuki); prompter
being kept standing (without doing anything); remaining on one's feet; beggar; tramp; prostitute; streetwalker; tout (for a hostess bar)
all over town
beetle-browed boy; mischief
grid city plan used for the Imperial capital
nickname for such names as Haruo or Haruko
master priest
common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
swallowtail butterfly larva (a pest of citrus plants)
naughty child; unruly child
former crown prince; the late crown prince
master of the priests quarters
beaked whale; Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris)
plain (e.g. face); smooth; slovenly
Longman's beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus); Indo-Pacific beaked whale; tropical bottlenose whale
paifang (Chinese architectural arch or gateway)
part of the imperial palace where dancing girls were trained (Nara and Heian periods)