1. acquaintanceship
2. vijnana; consciousness
3. written by...
after a signature
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (42 in total)
consciousness; becoming aware (of); awareness; mano-vijnana (mental consciousness, cognizer of sensory information)
unconsciousness; unconscious; involuntary; the unconscious (psychoanalysis)
knowledge; information
six consciousnesses (i.e. functions of the six sense organs: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and reasoning)
views; opinion; discernment; pride; self-respect
lack of common sense; thoughtlessness; senselessness; irrationality; absurdity
discrimination; discernment; identification
good sense
sign; mark; flag
extensive knowledge; erudition
scholarship; scientific attainments
well-informed person; thinking person; intelligent person
road sign; signpost
views; opinion; discernment; pride; self-respect; insight
well-informed; learned
threshold of consciousness
awareness of the issues; (having a) critical mind; concerns
identifier; distinguished name; DN
(a) passing acquaintance
social consciousness
sense of being the chosen people
new knowledge; up-to-date information; advanced ideas
not knowing
misrecognition; mistaking (x for y)
discrimination; insight
well-informed opinion
eight consciousnesses (one for each of the five senses, consciousness of the mind, self-consciousness and store consciousness)
manas-vijnana (defiled mental consciousness, which gives rise to the perception of self)
consciousness or awareness of being ill
preconscious (psychoanalysis)
loss of equilibrium; vertigo
erudition and extensive knowledge
old friend
illiterate and ignorant; uneducated and lacking in wisdom and discernment
clearsightedness; penetration; farsightedness; excellent idea
slight acquaintance
preface; editors note; postscript
erudition and extensive knowledge; widely read and well-informed