Adjective (の)
1. some time ago; recently; lately
2. last (Sunday, etc.); previous
Pitch accent
Composed of
this; last (couple of years, etc.); these; you (as in "you liar")
in front (of); before (e.g. a building); before; earlier; (the) front; frontal part; forward
Examples (34 in total)
He has done better than last time.
This is to make up for the last time.
Start reading where you left off.
When did you visit Kyoto last?
He is fatter than when I last saw him.
Last summer we went to Hokkaido.
She has been sick in bed since last Monday.
Tom was sick in bed last Sunday.
She has made the same mistake as last time.
Mother has been sick since last Thursday.
He played golf last Sunday.
We went to a dance last Friday.
Several houses were damaged in the last storm.
Misako married a Canadian last June.
She has lived with us since last summer.
She must have visited England last summer.
The accident took place on the evening of last Sunday.
I've made the same mistakes as I made last time.
The last time I went to China, I visited Shanghai.
I was absent last Tuesday on account of illness.
Last winter, I went to Canada to ski.
Recently, I saw an attractive mature woman on the train.
Yumiko married a childhood friend last June.
Last summer I had a chance to visit London.
Charlie was a mere child when I saw him last.
My mother bought me a nice dress last Sunday.
As far as I can remember, it was three years ago that we last met.
You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last.
I saw her at the station five days ago, that is, last Friday.
You should apologize to Mrs. Smith for your rude behavior the other night.
Did she go to the concert last Sunday?
My mother bought me two pairs of pants last Sunday.
It has been twenty years since I saw you last.
The other day, I stopped at a secondhand bookstore on my way home from school and happened to find a book I had been looking for for a long time.