1. counter for generations
2. epoch
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (53 in total)
nisei; second-generation Japanese (or Korean, etc.); the second (e.g. Edward II); son
troubled times; turbulent times
long era; ages; eternity
century; era; of the century (e.g. fight of the century)
worldly affairs
successive generations
Pleistocene epoch
successive generations; successive emperors
Middle Ages (in Japan esp. the Kamakura and Muromachi periods); medieval times; mediaeval times
five generations; fifth generation immigrant; gosei; the fifth (e.g. George V)
antiquity; the previous era
flattery; compliment
this world; this life; current epoch (i.e. the Holocene epoch)
public opinion; popular voice; public sentiment; consensus
the times
three generations; third generation immigrant; sansei; the third (e.g. Henry III)
this world; this life; this generation; present day
afterlife; the next world; the world beyond
rule; reign; peaceful times
wordly things; common customs; the world; the (common) people; secularity
this world; earthly life
four generations; fourth generation immigrant; yonsei; the fourth (e.g. George IV)
present-day; nowadays
heir; successor
passing away; death; dying words; death poem (poem written during one's final moments)
rare; extraordinary; unparalleled; unparallelled
worldly affairs; ways of the world
for generations; hereditary; generation after generation
all ages; eternity
this world; life
being alive; living
state of society; social conditions; order of the world
transmission from generation to generation
rare; uncommon
separation of ages; being of a different age
administration; government; conduct of state affairs
antiquity; ancient times
diluvial epoch
change of times
Oligocene epoch
Holocene epoch
Miocene epoch
destiny of the world; course of events in the world
hereditary (estates)
alluvial epoch (i.e. the Holocene epoch)
world developments
path of life; the world
binding legal effectiveness as to third parties
Pleistocene epoch
Edo-period school of Chinese medicine based on post-Jin and Yuan teachings
Charvaka (ancient school of Indian materialism); Lokayata
Examples (2 in total)
Queen Elizabeth I passed away in 1603.
George III has been unfairly maligned by historians.