1. righteousness; justice; right
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
certainly; without fail; right and wrong; pros and cons
free and unbiased; fair and just; ruling or judging what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong; calling spade a spade
by all means; at all costs; absolutely
rightly or wrongly; by all possible means
correction; revision; redressing; rectifying
form is emptiness; matter is void; all is vanity
emptiness is form; illusion of the reality of matter
right or wrong
("like this"; often the opening word of a sutra); ten thusnesses (in Tendai)
company policy
the law of arising and ceasing; the law of creation and destruction
party platform; party principles
school motto
shop policy
complete reversal of values or ways of thinking
complete reversal of values or ways of thinking (over time); What appeared wrong in the past now appears right; realizing and regretting the past errors of one's ways