1. high
2. high school
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (202 in total)
most; highest; maximum; best; wonderful; finest
eminent virtue
high-rise (building); multistory; multistoried; high (altitude); upper (atmosphere, air current, etc.)
high blood pressure; hypertension
second year of high school; second-year high-school student
aloof; proudly independent; standing apart; solitary
high frequency; HF
wave height
Pertya scandens (species of aster)
senior high school; high school
altitude; height; elevation; high-degree; high-grade; advanced
high-speed; rapid; express; highway; freeway; expressway
high class; high grade; high rank; seniority
highly priced; expensive; valuable; costly
dignity; eminent; high ranking; high-order (digit, bit, etc.)
high class; noble
excitement; exasperation; indignation; rage; fury
high fever; pyro-
tableland; plateau
large sum (money)
supreme; sublime; highest
high class; high grade
high efficiency; high performance
high mountain; alpine mountain
high level
high official
famous; well-known; renowned; your name
advanced age; old age
high ground; plateau; heights
high place; high altitude; heights; broad view
elevated (structure); overhead
high and low; rise and fall
elevation; height above sea level
extra-high; ultra; super
high quality
high density
first year of high school; first-year high school student
higher-order-; meta-
high-pitched tone; soprano
your views; your opinion; great idea; excellent idea
high voltage; high pressure
high rating; good reputation
Kōchi (city, prefecture)
upper grades of primary school (sixth, fifth, and sometimes fourth grades)
high altitude
high concentration
high altitude
platform; stage; upper seat; pulpit
best pupil; leading disciple
your opinion
elated; triumphant; proud
large statured; tall
high priest; highly-ranked priest; virtuous priest; priest of great sanctity and learning
official bulletin board (esp. Edo period); highest bid; highest tender
high dimension; higher dimensions
girls' high school
overall height; distance from the ground to the highest point of an object
third year of high school; third-year high-school student
high purity
height (measured at the withers)
middle and high school; medium and high (level)
blast furnace
high school graduate
refined; elegant; chaste
high-voltage current; high-tension current
antiaircraft gun
being highly educated, having a high salary and being tall; (lit.) three highs; high-valued yen, high stock prices and high land prices (usu. in reference to the Bubble Era)
loud voice; high-pitched voice
high interest rate
boasting; bragging; talking big
high precision
high tower
high salary
high-functioning; high-performance; sophisticated
railing; handrail; balustrade; armrest (chair)
kaoliang; variety of sorghum, esp. used in making spirits
your visit; your presence
high academic achievement; advanced academic training; higher education
one's sitting height
founder of dynasty or sect
technical college; higher schools and colleges
high sensitivity; highly sensitive (e.g. film, radio receiver); high speed (film); discerning; discriminating; of refined tastes
boys' high school
high (atmospheric) pressure; high-pressure system; anticyclone
high speed
overhead wires; elevated railway
high-spec; highly competitive (on the dating scene, e.g. by having a high income, being good-looking); ticking all the boxes
high resolution
high voltage; high tension
lofty (high) building; skyscraper
enhanced gravity; high gravity
rise and fall (e.g. prices); fluctuation; difference (rank, grade, quality, etc.); variation
high image quality
high salary
vehicle height
highly ranked
pitch (of a sound)
higher normal school; pre-war public school that trained male teachers
high spirits
you; your beautiful home
elevated bridge; viaduct
macromolecule; high polymer
high magnification (telescope, etc.); high power
high frequency
aged; elderly
lofty; grand; impressive; high school and university
higher commercial school (pre-WWII); commercial college
contour (line); isohypse
man of noble character
high-capacity; high-intensity; high-load
high-definition; high-resolution
senior high school (in the PRC or ROC)
high rate
high price; heavy price
high latitudes
best student; leading disciple
High Court
high compression; high pressure
high television ratings
expensive; valuable
expensive; valuable
hyperglycemia; hyperglycaemia
high-voltage line
great benevolence or blessings
person on top of the income scale; top earner
Mount Kōya missionary (usu. low-ranking monk); Lethocerus deyrollei (species of giant water bug)
high-grade; high-rank; high-definition
awesome; the best
high priority
higher technical school
expensive money; dear money; high interest
Japanese umbrella pine (Sciadopitys verticillata); parasol pine; koyamaki
old age
noble character
loud recitation (of a poem)
aerial work platform; elevating work platform; boom lift; bucket truck; cherry picker
your instructions or suggestions
high profit
good airtightness; high airtightness
high elasticity
high reputation; your esteemed opinion
your lofty discourse
intelligent opinion; your esteemed opinion
altocumulus clouds
anti-aircraft gun
high profile; aggressive attitude
high luminance (used to describe bold-face text on display screen)
high humidity
(your) kindness; favours (conferred on one)
altostratus clouds
agricultural high school
high-calorie infusion; total parenteral nutrition
high frequency; high-pass (e.g. filter)
superior insight; your idea
good thermal insulation
your literary work
rapid growth (of an economy, company, etc.)
hyperuricemia (increased levels of uric acid in the blood)
adding of value
high unemployment rate
high score
high density
high reliability
high-carbon steel
hypercholesterolemia; hypercholesterolaemia (excess of cholesterol in the bloodstream)
high fired (e.g. 1400 degrees); high fired (porcelain)
high salinity
Climacium japonicum (species of moss)
(high) tariff protection; tariff jumping
elevation (above sea level)
fragments from the old literary work kept at Koyasan
China clay; porcelain clay
high bandwidth
high-gain antenna
dear money policy
raised-floor (truck, etc.)
highly pathogenic avian influenza (i.e. H5N1)
Komura Faction (of the LDP)
flying height; head gap
flying height; head gap
high tensile strength
high capacity; high load capacity; high load carrying capacity
gas-guzzler; gas-guzzling car; vehicle with high fuel consumption
high-flux; high-flow
high-yield variety (crop, etc.)
high-fructose corn syrup; HFCS
housing for the elderly with home-care services provided
high fidelity; hi-fi
Examples (2 in total)
High calorie foods are bad for my health.
Tom is on a low-fat, high-protein diet.