1. genus
Adjective (の)
2. generic
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (235 in total)
belonging to (a group, organization, etc.); affiliation (with); being attached to; being under the control of
exclusive; attached to; specialist
civilian in military employ
Homo (genus)
attribute; property; context; character class, type, fetish, etc.
direct control; direct supervision
subordination; servitude; servility; subordinate; underling
subordination; dependency
changing assignments
same sort; same kind; same genus; homologous; congeneric
provincia; province of ancient Rome
possession; dependency; territory; dominion
a follower; yield allegiance to
(arch.) registered domicile in the family register; being under the control of a local authority
becoming subject to another state; inherence (philosophy)
generic name; genus name; generic name
personal; individual
dominant (note)
direct ancestors; ascendant
assign to sections; division
territorial island; island regarded as attached to a country
dominant chord
Solanum (nightshade genus of plants)
Vulpes (genus comprising the true foxes)
Papio (genus comprising the baboons)
Prunus (genus of trees and shrubs)
Canis (genus of wolves, dogs, etc.)
related genera; associated species
generic difference
Lespedeza (genus comprising the bush clovers)
Parapoxvirus (genus of large oval shaped DNA-based viruses)
Artemisia (genus of plants containing mugworts, wormwoods, etc.)
generic relation
Liquidambar (sweetgum genus)
tool which is attached to something (e.g. fire extinguisher on a boat); accessory; appliance
molluscum contagiosum; viral infection of the skin
Chaetodontoplus (genus of marine angelfishes)
Chaetodon (genus of tropical butterflyfishes)
Chelmon (genus of tropical fish in the family Chaetodontidae)
Holacanthus (genus of marine angelfishes)
Pomacanthus (genus of marine angelfish)
Canthigaster (genus of pufferfish)
Scarus (genus of parrotfish)
Amphichaetodon (genus of butterflyfishes)
Apolemichthys (genus of marine angelfishes)
Prognathodes (genus of tropical fish)
Coradion (genus of tropical fish)
Hemitaurichthys (genus of tropical butterflyfish)
Heniochus (genus of fish)
Forcipiger (genus of tropical bannerfish)
Parupeneus (genus of goatfishes)
Thalassoma (genus of brightly colored fish)
Thymallus (genus of freshwater fish)
Gymnocanthus (genus of northern demersal fish)
Coregonus (genus of salmon)
Coregonus (genus of salmon)
Coregonus (genus of salmon in the family Salmonidae); whitefishes
Coregonus (genus of salmon)
Salvelinus (genus of salmonid fish)
Gomphosus (genus of marine wrasse in the family Labridae)
Coris (genus of wrasses)
Pleuronectes (genus of flatfishes)
Siganus (genus of perciform fish)
Stegastes (genus of damselfish in the family Pomacentridae)
Chromis (genus of damselfish)
Abudefduf (genus of damselfish)
Tetraodon (largest genus in the pufferfish family Tetraodontidae)
Ctenopoma (genus of freshwater climbing gouramies)
Seriolina (genus of jacks)
Bodianus (genus of wrasses)
Auchenipterus (genus of catfishes)
Aulonocara (genus comprising the peacock cichlids)
Aequidens (genus of fish)
Eviota (genus comprising the pygmy gobies)
Trimma (genus of gobies)
Eptatretus (genus of hagfish in the family Myxinidae)
Myxine (genus of hagfish)
Lampetra (genus of lampreys)
Lethenteron (genus of lampreys)
Petromyzon (genus of lamprey)
Ichthyomyzon (genus of lampreys)
Eudontomyzon (genus of lampreys)
Caspiomyzon (genus of lampreys)
Chimaera (genus of cartilaginous fish)
Hydrolagus (genus of cartilaginous fish)
Harriotta (genus of long-nosed chimaeras)
Neoharriotta (genus of long-nosed chimaeras)
Rhinochimaera (genus with three species of long-nosed chimaeras)
Heterodontus (genus of bullhead sharks)
Cirrhoscyllium (genus of collared carpet sharks)
Parascyllium (genus of collared carpet sharks)
Orectolobus (genus of wobbegong carpet sharks)
Chiloscyllium (genus of carpet sharks or bamboo sharks)
Hemiscyllium (genus of longtail carpet sharks)
Rhincodon (genus of whale sharks)
Stegostoma (genus of one species of Indo-Pacific carpet sharks)
Nebrius (genus of a single species of nurse shark)
Mitsukurina (genus of goblin sharks)
Carcharias (genus of sand sharks)
Odontaspis (genus of sand shark)
Pseudocarcharias (genus containing one species of crocodile shark)
Megachasma (genus of rare deep water megamouth sharks)
Cetorhinus (genus comprising the basking sharks)
Carcharodon (genus containing the great white shark)
Lamna (genus of mackerel sharks or white sharks)
Isurus (genus comprising the mako sharks)
Alopias (genus of thresher sharks)
Atelomycterus (genus of catshark)
Parmaturus (genus of catsharks)
Scyliorhinus (genus of catsharks)
Cephaloscyllium (genus of catshark known as swellsharks)
Apristurus (genus of catsharks)
Galeus (genus of catsharks)
Halaelurus (genus of catsharks)
Schroederichthys (genus of catshark)
Proscyllium (genus of finback catshark)
Gollum (genus of one species, Gollum attenuatus)
Eridacnis (genus of finback catsharks)
Pseudotriakis (genus of ground sharks whose sole member is the false catshark)
Galeorhinus (genus whose only member is the school shark, Galeorhinus galeus)
Hemitriakis (genus of houndshark in the family Triakidae)
Mustelus (genus of smooth-hound sharks)
Triakis (genus of houndsharks)
Hypogaleus (genus whose sole member is the blacktip tope, Hypogaleus hyugaensis)
Galeocerdo (genus whose sole member is the tiger shark)
Carcharhinus (genus of requiem sharks)
Glyphis (genus of secretive true river sharks)
Isogomphodon (genus of requiem sharks with one extant species known as the daggernose shark)
Loxodon (genus containing the sliteye shark as its only member)
Nasolamia (genus of requiem sharks whose only member is the whitenose shark)
Negaprion (genus of requiem sharks in the family Carcharhinidae containing the two extant species of lemon sharks)
Prionace (genus whose sole member is the blue shark)
Rhizoprionodon (genus of sharpnose sharks)
Scoliodon (genus of requiem sharks whose sole member is the spadenose shark)
Triaenodon (genus of requiem sharks whose sole member is the whitetip reef shark)
Paragaleus (genus of weasel sharks)
Hemipristis (genus of weasel sharks)
Hemigaleus (genus of weasel sharks)
Sphyrna (genus of hammerhead sharks)
Artemisia (genus of plants containing mugworts, wormwoods, etc.)
Ribes (genus of flowering plants, including the edible currants)
Chrysiptera (genus of damselfish in the family Pomacentridae)
Dascyllus (genus of damselfish)
Pomacentrus (genus of marine damselfish)
Neoglyphidodon (genus of damselfish)
Chlamydoselachus (genus of frilled sharks)
Heptranchias (genus of cow shark containing the sharpnose seven-gill shark as its only member)
Notorynchus (genus of cow sharks)
Hexanchus (genus of sixgill sharks)
Acanthurus (genus of surgeonfishes and tangs)
Ctenochaetus (genus of bristletooth tangs)
Naso (genus of tropical marine surgeonfishes in the family Acanthuridae known as unicorn fishes due to a spike protruding from the forehead)
Varanus (genus of carnivorous monitor lizards)
Panthera (genus comprising the tiger, lion, jaguar, leopard and snow leopard)
Paracanthurus (genus whose sole member is the palette surgeonfish)
Prionurus (genus of surgeonfish and sawtail tangs)
Zebrasoma (genus of marine tangs)
Zebrasoma (genus of marine tangs)
Eusphyra (genus of hammerhead shark whose sole member is the winghead shark)
Chaetodipterus (genus of spadefishes in the family Ephippidae)
Ephippus (genus of spadefish)
Platax (genus Indo-Pacific batfishes)
Luvarus (genus of perciform fish whose only member is the luvar)
Scatophagus (genus of scats)
Zanclus (genus containing the moorish idol as its sole extant species)
Hypericum (plant genus including St. John's worts)
Euryops (genus of flowering plant)
Sorbus (genus of trees and shrubs comprising whitebeam, rowan, service tree, and mountain ash)
Auxis (genus of tuna)
Oreochromis (genus of tilapiine cichlids)
Tilapia (large genus of cichlid fish)
Lycaon (genus containing the African wild dog)
Cuon (genus containing the dhole)
Nyctereutes (genus containing the raccoon dog)
Atelocynus (genus containing the short-eared dog)
Speothos (genus containing the bush dog)
Chrysocyon (genus containing the maned wolf)
Dusicyon (genus containing the Falkland Islands wolf)
Pseudalopex (genus containing the South American foxes)
Cerdocyon (genus containing the crab-eating fox)
Alopex (genus containing the Arctic fox)
Otocyon (genus containing the bat-eared fox)
Urocyon (genus of foxes)
Erinaceus (genus of hedgehogs)
Hemiechinus (genus of hedgehogs)
Paraechinus (genus of hedgehogs)
Eulemur (genus of true lemurs)
Lemur (genus containing the ring-tailed lemur)
Varecia (genus comprising the ruffed lemurs)
Hapalemur (genus comprising the gentle lemurs)
Prolemur (genus containing the greater bamboo lemur)
Tarsius (genus of tarsiers)
Atilax (genus containing the marsh mongoose)
Bdeogale (genus of mongooses)
Crossarchus (genus of mongooses comprising the kusimanses)
Cynictis (genus containing the yellow mongoose)
Dologale (genus containing Pousargues's mongoose)
Helogale (genus of dwarf mongooses)
Herpestes (genus of mongooses)
Ichneumia (genus containing the white-tailed mongoose)
Liberiictis (genus containing the Liberian mongoose)
Mungos (genus of mongooses)
Paracynictis (genus containing Selous' mongoose)
Rhynchogale (genus containing Meller's mongoose)
Suricata (genus containing the meerkat)
Pardofelis (genus of wild cats)
Neofelis (genus of leopards)
Uncia (genus containing the snow leopard)
Glycyrrhiza (genus of legumes)
Drosophila (genus of fruit flies)
Xenoturbella (genus of worm-like basal deuterostomes)
Sphenodon (genus of the tuatara)
Mogera (genus of moles)
Euroscaptor (genus of moles)
Urotrichus (genus containing the Japanese shrew mole)
Dymecodon (genus containing True's shrew mole)
Condylura (genus containing the star-nosed mole)
Desmana (genus containing the Russian desman)
Galemys (genus containing the Pyrenean desman)
Neurotrichus (genus of moles)
Scapanus (genus of moles)
Talpa (genus of moles)
Cercocebus (genus comprising the white-eyelid mangabeys)
Bombus (genus comprising the bumblebees)
Pinus (genus of pine trees)
Lotus (genus of legume)
Muntiacus (genus of deer comprising the muntjacs)
Malus (genus comprising the orchard apple, crabapples, etc.)
Persea (genus of evergreen trees, including the avocado)
Ratufa (genus comprising Asiatic giant squirrels)
dominant seventh (chord)