Adjective (い)
1. tall (of a person)
Composed of
back; reverse; rear side; height; stature; ridge (of a mountain)
high; tall; expensive; high-priced; high (level); above average (in degree, quality, etc.)
Examples (31 in total)
He was a tall man.
How tall are you?
How tall is he?
I hid in the tall grass.
The tall man came out of the house.
I imagined him a tall man.
What's that tall man playing?
There is a tall man in the classroom.
Jack is the tallest boy in his class.
She saw a tall man yesterday.
Tom is as tall as his father.
The teacher lined the children up in order of height.
What a tall boy Tony is!
She's by far the tallest girl.
Our basketball team is recruiting tall boys.
She's almost the same height as you.
Is that tall man this boy's father?
No boy in the class is as tall as Bill.
I met a tall man named Ken.
His height is a great advantage when he plays volleyball.
We have two tall players in our baseball team.
I know those tall girls quite well.
Why is there always a tall guy in front of me?
A tall man intruded into my apartment with a gun.
That tall boy saved the drowning child.
I sat behind a very tall person at the theater.
The tall guy smoking a cigar over there is a famous director.
He stopped a tall man and asked him the way to the record shop.
The taller of the two went out first.
Do you know who that tall blonde girl in green is?
John is the taller of the two, and the tallest of them all.