1. drink; drinking
2. spigot; tap (in a cask, etc.)
3. stock market bucketing
4. bookmaking
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (64 in total)
bookmaker; bookie; trader performing (stock market) bucketing; bucket shop
swallowing without chewing; swallowing (e.g. a story); accepting without questioning
bookmaking; (stock market) bucketing
drink; beverage
more than enough (to drink)
communicating while drinking (usu. with colleagues); communicating through drinking together; boozing with work people
swallowing in one gulp; downing; sipping; sip; thinking nothing of one's opponent; making easy prey of someone
way of taking (a pill); way of drinking
drinking party; get-together
bar; saloon; pub; tavern; drinking establishment
food and drink; eating and drinking
swallowing whole; swallowing without chewing; taking something in without fully understanding it; accepting without reservation; accepting something as-is
(heavy) drinker; drunkard; tippler; boozer
chugging (a glassful of) a drink in one go
drinking water; potable water
swallowing; understanding; apprehension
partially consumed drink; partially consuming a drink
the way one drinks; one's manner of drinking
swig; gulp
all you can drink; bottomless cup
taste (of a liquid, esp. alcoholic beverages); someone who enjoys alcohol; place one's lips touch on the rim of a cup; shape of one's mouth when drinking; tap; faucet
drinking straight from a bottle
drink money; drinking money
drink money; drinking money
heavy drinker
(act of) drinking water; (water) drinking container; glass; peasant
drinking in turn from one vessel (cup, glass, etc.)
tea drinking
large sake cup; gulping down a drink; taking a swig at something
drinking companion
drinking buddy
drinking while standing
drinking at home (as opposed to going out)
communicating while drinking (usu. with colleagues); communicating through drinking together; boozing with work people
drinking directly (from bottle, can, flask, canteen, etc.)
overdrinking; excessive drinking
drinking at home (as opposed to going out)
drinking at home (as opposed to going out)
leaving a pub, restaurant, etc. without having paid for one's drinks
bookmaker; bookie; trader performing (stock market) bucketing; bucket shop
bookmaker; bookie; trader performing (stock market) bucketing; bucket shop
heavy drinker
taking multiple medications; taking medicine and certain foods together or in close proximity (which should be avoided)
satisfying quality (of a drink)
tippler; drunkard; heavy drinker
drinking at home
bookmaking; (stock market) bucketing
bookmaking; (stock market) bucketing
drowning one's cares in drink
the way one drinks; one's manner of drinking
having just a few drinks (and a quick snack) at a bar, etc.
one's (portion of a) drink
getting paid to go out drinking (usu. a set amount to cover the taxi fare home)
drinking while doing an acrobatic stunt; drinking in a strange manner
passing the bottle around
drinking at home (as opposed to going out)
girls-only drinking party
pub crawl; barhopping
heavy drinker; boozer; tippler
barhopping; pub crawl
online drinking party; drinking party using a video platform (Skype, Zoom, etc.)
street drinking; drinking in the streets; public drinking