1. counter for people
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (281 in total)
one person
ronin; masterless samurai; high school graduate waiting for another chance to enter university after having failed the yearly entrance examination; person out of work; jobless person; (arch.) wanderer
retainer; vassal; servant
popularity; public favor; condition (e.g. market); tone; character
offender; criminal; culprit
chōnin (Edo-period social class of town-dwelling commoners, esp. landowning merchants); townspeople; townsfolk; tradespeople
wounded person; injured person
unmanned; uninhabited; unattended; shorthandedness; lack of help
how many people
heavenly being; celestial being; celestial nymph; celestial maiden
another person; other people; unrelated person (i.e. not related by blood); outsider; stranger
sick person; patient; invalid
group comprising the lowest rank of Japan's Edo-period caste system (often ex-convicts or vagrants); non-human
dweller; inhabitant; resident; user (of a website)
unmanned; uninhabited; unattended; shorthandedness; lack of help
entertainer (esp. in a traditional art); performer; artiste; talented person; accomplished person
kanji "person radical" (radical 9)
bad person; villain; scoundrel; wrongdoer; wicked person
many people; everyone; all sorts of people
matchmaker; go-between
guard; watchman
four people
spectator; sightseer; onlooker
all people; everybody; ten thousand people
substitute; deputy; proxy; representative; agent
acting inhumanly; inhuman person
servant; employee
three people
how many people; a number of people
administrator; janitor; manager; custodian; executor
humanity; sidewalk; footpath; human realm
merchant; trader; expert (in a trade or profession); professional; woman working in the nightlife business (bar or nightclub hostess, geisha, etc.); demimondaine
street performer (comedian)
(Ogura) Hyakunin Isshu; classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka by one hundred poets; hyakunin isshu karuta; hyakunin isshu poetry cards
janitor; cleaner
the person in question; the person themselves; said person
several people; a few people
government official
the person concerned; the person in question; the said person
counsel; defender; advocate
peddler; pedlar; hawker
witness; observer
originator; promoter
emergency case; person that has suddenly taken ill
portion of food
wounded person; injured person
accused; defendant; prisoner at the bar
passerby; pedestrian; foot passenger
guide (on a tour, etc.)
poor person; pauper; the poor; the indigent
coolie; laborer; labourer; carrier
scum of the earth; monster; fiend
tremendous strength; (lit.) strength of a hundred people
tenant farmer
seriously sick person
number of people; population
joint surety; surety jointly and severally liable; co-maker; co-endorser; co-signer
criminal; culprit; offender; rogue
judge; appraiser
best man; groomsman; bridesmaid; second (e.g. in a duel)
tenant; renter
child in elementary or middle school; go-between; intermediary; middleman
arbitrator; mediator
breadwinner; hard worker
two persons; two people; pair; couple
adult; grown-up
merchant; trader; tradesman; dealer; shopkeeper
employee; servant
craftsman; artisan; tradesman; worker; workman
different person; another person; someone else; changed man
corpse; dead person
all people; everybody; ten thousand people
criminal; lawbreaker; wrongdoer; offender
client; requester
child; small person
to be popular
ordinary person; average person; mediocre person
manager; executive
good person; virtuous person
chōnin (Edo-period social class of town-dwelling commoners, esp. landowning merchants); townspeople; townsfolk; tradespeople
humanity; empathy; kindness; human nature; common sense; customs and manners
aristocrat; nobleman; dignitary; person of high rank
immortal mountain wizard (in Taoism); mountain man (esp. a hermit); person not bound by earthly desires
proxy; agent; substitute; deputy; alternate; representative
looks; countenance; facial features; physiognomy
others; other people
person living with a family; lodger; housemate; flatmate; roommate
same person; said person; the person in question; coterie; clique
playboy; libertine; (professional) gambler; person without a steady job; idler
both people
dancer (esp. a bugaku dancer)
natural virtue; personal virtue
guarantor; surety; sponsor; reference; bondsman
utter villain; atrocious fiend; devil
leading person; foremost figure
offender; criminal
manager; steward; factotum; useful person
worldly-wise man
rebel; traitor
office worker; salaried worker; white-collar worker
person given as a reference; witness; potential suspect; person of interest; witness
delivery person
ruler of the whole country; person who holds the reins of government
broker; jobber
negotiator; bargainer; point man
philtrum; vertical groove between the nose and the upper lip
lover; sweetheart; mistress
each person; everybody
heir; heiress; inheritor
private individual
sponsor; manager; go-between; mediator; agent; caretaker
lodger; roomer
several men, several minds; everyone has his own ideas and tastes; everyone has his own interests and ideas; different strokes for different folks
observer; spectator (e.g. in court); (member of the) public; visitor; audience; gallery
the same person
professional; person good at a particular job; person who does their job without mistakes
carrier; conveyor
mailman; postman; mail carrier; post carrier
notary public; notary; public notary
low-rank person; menial
being average (capacity, looks) (as good as anyone); mediocrity
gambler; yakuza; person without a legitimate job
bill collector
mistress; madam
issuer; publisher
human interest; kindness
low-call people
scum of the earth; monster; fiend
land agent; house agent; real estate agent
runaway (esp. child)
nurse (male or female); personal care attendant
person who looks after a patient
worshiper; visitor to temple or shrine
strength of a thousand men; cloth with the character for "strength" written by a thousand men (soldier's charm)
trustee; receiver; administrator
husband; good person
person; personal
tenant; renter
(personal) guarantor; (personal) surety; person providing a character reference
manager; steward; person next in rank to the chief retainer and in charge of general management and accounting in a samurai family (Edo period)
someone who has come to say farewell; those who have come to say farewell; people at a send-off
person who beheads somebody to end a seppuku; assistant; helper
life-saving sword (a killing sword may be a sword of life depending on how it is used)
attorney; lawyer
a kidnapper; an abductor
holder of a title deed; stock holder; lease holder
originator; promoter
guarantor; acceptor (e.g. promissory note); underwriter (e.g. stock issue)
lodger; tenant; roomer
sender of a message
scribe; amanuensis
beast in human form
farmer; peasant
person entrusted with someone's money, belongings, land, etc.; person in charge of someone taken into custody
voter; constituent; elector; presidential elector (US); member of the Electoral College
the strength of ten
rebel; traitor
man month; man-month
(boat) pilot
(boat) pilot
heir; heiress; inheritor
man-day; person-day
petitioner; complainant
seller; sales agent
repairman; repairer
earth and heaven; human and heavenly beings
accused; defendant; prisoner at the bar
guard; security (officer); guardsman
agent; middleman
street vendor; stallholder; stallkeeper
lodger; boarder; paying guest
hirer; lessee; leaseholder
heinous criminal; vicious criminal
personal appearance; looks
testimony of a witness
remitter; writer of cheque; writer of check
scaffold constructor; steeplejack
so many men, so many ways; to each one's own; it takes all sorts to make a world
butcher; slaughterhouse worker
postman; mailman; mail carrier
administrator of an estate
agent; person in charge
complainant; plaintiff
litigant; plaintiff; suitor
speaker at a public hearing
petitioner; person who prays; beggar-priest
caretaker; claimer; guarantor
custodian; trustee
to suit one's speech to the audience
assistant; aide; curator
deliveryman; delivery person
pious woman; female believer
printer (person)
tax collector
middleman; mediator; go-between
money exchanger
antiques dealer
transferor; assignor
some are wise and some are otherwise; (lit.) one thousand with their eyes open; one thousand blind
assistant in a duel (e.g. a cockfight, poetry contest, etc.) (Heian period); older male in an homosexual relationship
auditor; inspector
some are wise and some are otherwise; (lit.) one thousand blind; one thousand with their eyes open
master contractor
master contractor; prime contactor; general contractor
petitioner; complainant
one who offers prayer in place of another
adjustor; liquidator
seedling peddler; nurseryman
limited guardian
auxiliary intervenor (in a lawsuit)
liquidator (e.g. of a corporation)
internal auditor
So many people, so many minds; Everyone has his own ideas and tastes; It takes all sorts to make a world; To each his (her) own
sender; remitter; consignor
low-status samurai without land; low-status farmer without land
accessory after the fact
accessory before the fact
itinerant (esp. itinerant gambler); drifter; nomad; rover
go-between; intermediate; agent (e.g. for employing servants)
agent; intermediary
Yama's pole (with a human head on the top)
kanji "legs radical" (radical 10)
flagrant offender
being besieged by suitors; to be popular; (lit.) eight suitors for one daughter
rugby sevens; seven-a-side rugby
government official (esp. one of low to medium rank); public servant
guard; protector
prisoner (for one to three years under the ritsuryo system)
brute; violent criminal; savage
Examples (181 in total)
Do you have a table for five?
Thousands of people lost their jobs.
One out of ten persons is nearsighted.