1. -off (price reduction)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (48 in total)
bench used by kabuki actors during performance; for enemies and allies to pull back their troops at the same time; responding to enemy arrow fire with arrow fire
lottery; tombola; drawing
being put off (by someone's words, behaviour, etc.); being taken aback; recoiling (in shock, disgust, etc.); zooming out or pulling the camera back to get a wider image (in film and TV)
price reduction; discount
tout; swindler; con-man; pimp
lottery; drawn lot
thinning out; pruning; culling; infanticide
hempen cord; rope
guidance; lead; guide; primer; influence; connections
shoplifting; shoplifter
discount; reduction; rebate; tenths discounted; tenths reduced
(measuring) ruler
deduction in advance (of tax, interest, etc.)
leaving work (office, school) early
stretching of cloth
cancellation; writing off (a debt); indicating a long sound in kana; tug o' war; tug of war
cash on delivery; COD
absence from work (school) due to mourning
seine fishing; seining; seine; seine net
sawing; death by sawing (i.e. as a capital punishment)
drawing red lines; red lines on maps marking town limits (Edo period); (arch.) red lines marking nouns in kanbun texts
salted fish (esp. salmon)
10% off sale
trawl (net)
citation at second remove; second hand citation
reverse lookup (e.g. dictionary, address resolution, etc.)
tax excluded
looking up a word or kanji by its reading (rather than by its radical or stroke count); katakana-hiragana prolonged sound mark
enameling; enamelware
one-horse (carriage)
line-marking gauge
line-marking gauge
tehonbiki (type of card game associated with gambling)
uproot; redeem
(arch.) type of loom used in olden times; loom; traditional loom
zinc-coated; galvanized; galvanised
setting (of a hen)
arranged by strokes
lookup (e.g. in a dictionary, address list, etc.)
bracket saw; sabre saw; saber saw
sleeper; lumber girder
knob-and-tube wiring; insulator wiring; electrical wiring strung on surface-mounted insulators
non-refundable restoration fee (when moving out of a property); money withheld from a deposit