1. surplus-; excess-; over-
2. per- (chemical with more of a certain element than found in other compounds of the same constituents)
Kanji used
surpass something
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (85 in total)
passage (of time); elapsing; progress; development; transit
passing through (a tunnel, station, town, etc.); passing by (e.g. of a typhoon); passage (of a bill, e.g. through parliament); carriage; passing (an examination, inspection, etc.); clearing
severe; harsh; hard; cruel; rigorous
extreme; radical
overprotective; excessive care; overprotection; overprotectiveness
excessive; immoderate
exaggeration; overstatement; saying too much; misstatement; slip of the tongue; gaffe
nervousness; oversensitivity
trusting too much; overestimating ability
accident (caused by negligence); error; blunder; fault; defect
overwork; strain
excess; surplus; superabundance
excess; being more than
excessive; unmerited; generous; past participle
excessive; too much; unreasonable
hyperventilation; overbreathing; hyperpnea; overventilation
superheating; overheating
excess or deficiency; too much or too little
excess or deficiency; too much or too little
overcrowding; crowded; congestion
the greater part
serious error; gross mistake
filtration; filtering; percolation
overweight; too heavy (burden, workload, etc.); too severe
offence; offense; fault
excessive meddling (esp. by parents); excessive interference
mistake; fault
overwork; working too hard
overpayment; paying too much
too few; too little; insufficient
H2O2; hydrogen peroxide
excessive cooling; supercooling
traveller (passing through); traveler
excessive praise; undeserved praise
to lose population (e.g. of active forum members, etc.)
excessive; exorbitant
overdose; overdosage
excess current; over current
past, present and future; three states of existence
administrative fine; correctional fine; nonpenal fine
overcharging (e.g. a battery); overcharge
overlooking; turning a blind eye
slight mistake
overpotential; over-voltage
changing one's attitude or conduct and making a new start; turning over a new leaf
acetone peroxide; triacetone triperoxide; peroxyacetone; TATP; TCAP
merits and demerits
not being obsessed with something very long (just as clouds and haze pass swiftly before one's eyes)
persulphuric acid; persulfuric acid
excessive praise; undeserved praise
flying goose
post-term delivery; postmature delivery
inadequate capital; undercapitalization
past financial year
supersaturated vapor; supersaturated vapour
rice noodle soup (Yunnan cuisine); (lit.) crossing-the-bridge noodles
overconsolidation ratio
peracetic acid; peroxyacetic acid