Pre-noun adjective
Usually written in kana
1. -less; lacking; non-existing
often used after one word to modify another, e.g. soulless body
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
if (it) doesn't exist; if there is no ...; if not ...; unless ...; have to ...; must ...
completely; thoroughly; horribly; without exception; until there's no untouched (undamaged) part
undoubted; unmistakable; definite
not non-existent; not completely lacking; there is some; certainly existent
nameless; anonymous; without name
trackless path
insatiable; untiring; persistent
unvoiced opinion; (opinion of the) silent majority; views which are not expressed
so slight as to be all but non-existent
without limit; endless
a man among the geese when the gander is away; a one-eyed king in the land of the blind; (lit.) a bat in a village without birds
unparalleled; unparallelled; unequaled; unequalled; unique
meaningless; senseless; absurd
behaving outrageously as though there were no one around; doing whatever one wants even though others may be watching