1. (giving) birth; childbirth; delivery; confinement
2. native of; product of
3. assets; property; fortune
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (93 in total)
bankruptcy; insolvency
the Industrial Revolution
product of the land; present; souvenir
fecundity; having many children; abundant production
(single-industry) industrial union
(giving) birth; childbirth; delivery; confinement
industry; (arch.) livelihood; (arch.) occupation
product of the land; present; souvenir
(former) Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry); MITI
product; produce; result; fruit
real estate
egg-laying; spawning
production; manufacture
property; fortune; assets
mass production
property; fortune; means; assets
production; output; turning out
producing area
production increase
maternity and gynaecology department (gynecology); department of obstetrics and gynaecology (gynecology)
noted product; local specialty
postpartum; after childbirth
result; fruit (of); product (of)
aquatic products; fisheries
place of origin; habitat
birth canal
clothes for a newborn baby; baby clothes
propertied; monied
personal property; personal effects
newborn baby; childbirth
foreign (product, esp. agricultural); of foreign manufacture
maternity hospital
lacking property
confinement (for childbirth); bed used by a woman in childbirth; postpartum period; postnatal period
obstetrician-gynecologist; obstetrician and gynaecologist; ob-gyn
the industrial world
family property
agricultural products
parity; having borne children; parous
maternity room; delivery room
military-industrial complex
financial asset
medium amount of wealth; middling property; owner of medium wealth
(amount of) production
decrease in production
(similar to) perinatal; period from around the 28th week of pregnancy to a week after the baby is born
industry-academic; industry-university
annual production
land products
natural products
local product; homegrown; homebred
Sankei newspaper
offspring (esp. livestock); progeny
products of the south seas
prior to childbirth
underlying asset; underlying security; underlier
industrial machinery
private property
labor pains; labour pains
direct from the farm; farm-fresh
rice production
gold mining
industry, government and academia
freshwater; limnetic
industrial union
foreign assets
agricultural and marine products
Minister of International Trade and Industry
military-industrial complex
labor pains; labour pains
low fecundity
post-term delivery; postmature delivery
fundamental property; principal; endowment; permanent property
childcare leave
domestic product
tangible property
management of one's livelihood; management of one's property
birth control
Japanese production; Japanese product
net international investment position
consignment production
thanksgiving rice dish after childbirth
post-term delivery; postmature delivery; giving birth at an above-average age
full-term birth; labor at term (labour); term delivery
woman who has recently given birth
Examples (5 in total)
Do you like French wines?
This cheese is from Italy.
These diamonds are from South Africa.