1. Mr; Mrs; Ms; Miss
2. clan
3. he; him
4. counter for people
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
Celsius; centigrade
boyfriend; he; him
Examples (89 in total)
He knows Mr. Davidson well.
Mr. Soarez has been my close friend for years.
Mr. White is a rational man.
Mr. Hawk is a kind gentleman.
Mr Brown belongs to the upper class.
Mr. White has gone to Canada.
Mr. Joel is now on duty.
Is Mr. Schmidt at home now?
Mr Turner bade farewell to his colleagues.
Mr. White is a liberal politician.
Mr Smith is accused of breach of contract.
Mr Smith is an eminent violinist.
Mr Brown teaches at Harvard.
Hello, is Mr Freeman in?
Mr. Bell is due to make a speech tonight.
Mr Green keeps a little dog.
Mr Smith is vulnerable to this kind of criticism.
Mr. Long and Mr. Smith spoke to each other.
You should keep in touch with Mr. Smith.
Mr. Brown made his son learn Chinese.
Mr Smith proposed marriage to Jane.
I ran into Mr. Lynch on the bus.
The study which Mr Smith specializes in is economics.
Mr. Ford owns this land.
A farewell party was held for Mr. Jones.
Mr. Thompson has been very busy today.
Mr. Kennedy pointed out our mistakes.
It happened that I met Mr Uno on the street.
Mr. Newman often comes to Japan.
How do you happen to know Mr Slater?
Mr White called his assistant over and said the following:
Mr Tani is not so much a scholar as a journalist.
Mr Smith was announced as the succeeding chairman.
That university was founded by Mr. Smith.
Mr. Brown always carries a book with him.
Mr Sano speaks French with great fluency.
Mr Wood has his secretary type his letters.
Mr Johnson's house is next to my house.
Mr. Smith sued them for damages.
The government appointed Mr Brown ambassador to Peru.
She voted for Mr Nishioka irrespective of party lines.
Mr Johnson is self-employed and is in the business of repairing furniture.
Mr Brown is jealous of his colleague's success.
We heard about your company from Mr Morris of Digital Com Company.
The American people elected Mr. Clinton President.
Mr. Adams was foolish to agree to the proposal.
The engagement of Mr Rogers and Miss Smith was announced yesterday.
Mr Kennedy was inaugurated as the President of the United States.
Mr Masuzoe always has lots of books with him.
Judging from those facts, Mr Mori must be a wealthy person.
Mr. Sato asked me many questions about the election.
Correct the mistake and return the file to Mr Luxemburg.
Mr. White and I aren't friends. We're just acquaintances.
We made Mr Grey chairman of the committee.
Mr. Thomas had no objection to Mr. White being elected chairman.
Mr Sato ran a supermarket in his hometown before he came to Tokyo.
I worked with Mr. Spencer for a year in New York.
Mr Brown left for England on May 15.
Mr Frost is eligible for the post.
That novel wasn't written by Mr. Robinson.
Mr Philips, along with some friends and neighbors, is planning a celebration.
Mr. White was the manager of a hotel in Springfield.
Mr Brown contracted with the builder for a new house.
Mr. Mailer is scheduled to stay here until tomorrow.
It was Mr. Smith that taught me how to use that machine.
The man who you saw there yesterday was Mr Brown.
The orchestra members respected Mr Smith as a conductor.
When Mr Hilton wanted to sell his house, he advertised it in the newspaper.
Mr. Koop isn't the kind of person who would ever take a bribe.
Mr. Brown, a friend from Oregon, will visit us tomorrow.
We plan to have a welcoming party for Mr. Clark who came to Japan the other day.
Mr Tanaka is a doctor, isn't he?
Mr. Suzuki is a great scientist.
Mr. Yoshida never breaks his promise.
Mr. Yamada lives in the suburbs of Tokyo.
Mr Tanaka appears very rich.
We would appreciate it if you would contact Mr. Hirose.
Mr George Bush is the forty-first president of the United States.
They elected Mr Tanaka captain of the team.
Is Mr. Fujiwara at home now?
I saw Mr. Yamada at Shinjuku Station this morning.
Mr Young has no less than six cars.
I heard that Mr. Inoue has stayed at that hotel.
Mr Suzuki, who is a former Prime Minister, will be chairman of the committee.
Mr. Suzuki persuaded his son to give up his plan to study abroad.
Mr. Ichiro Fukuoka, a close friend of mine, would like to meet you.
There is Mr James who they say is the richest man in the village.
Mrs. Barrett will become the fifth female Supreme Court justice.
The doctor told Mr Smith to give up smoking if he wanted to live long.