Verb (5-dan, る)
1. to break a promise; to go back on one's word; to renege
Composed of
promise; agreement; convention; rule; destiny; fate
to tear; to rip; to break through (cordon, opponent's defense, etc.); to breach; to defeat; to beat; to break (e.g. silence)
Examples (23 in total)
He broke his promise.
It is not good to break a promise.
You ought not to break your promise.
He never breaks his promises.
It is not good for you to break your promise.
A man who breaks his promises cannot be trusted.
She cannot have broken her promise.
He seldom breaks his promise.
Tom seldom breaks his promise.
As is often the case with her, she broke her promise.
What do you think made him break his promise?
Forgive me for breaking my promise.
I can't blame you for breaking your promise.
He broke his word, which made his wife angry.
I'm sure he won't fail to keep his word.
He must be condemned for breaking his promise.
He forgave me breaking my promise.
These are not sufficient reasons for breaking the promise.
My cousin isn't the kind of person who'd ever break a promise.
You can trust that I will never break my promise.
Nothing offends people worse than broken promises.
Mr. Yoshida never breaks his promise.
Every student trusts Mr Akai because he never breaks his word.