Verb (5-dan, る)
1. to keep a promise; to keep one's word
Composed of
promise; agreement; convention; rule; destiny; fate
to protect; to guard; to defend; to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide (by the rules); to observe
Examples (36 in total)
She failed to keep her promise.
They didn't keep their promise.
You didn't keep your word.
You will keep your word, won't you?
Promise that you will keep your promise.
Mary didn't keep her promise.
Tom kept his promise.
But, he didn't keep his promise.
I have always kept my promises.
She always keeps her promises.
He never failed to keep his promise.
We should keep our promise.
He never keeps his word.
She'll certainly keep the promise she made to him.
We should always keep our promise.
No matter what happens, I'll keep my promise.
He never fails to keep his word with his friends.
One must always keep one's promise.
You must swear to keep your promise.
If you don't keep your promises, people won't take you seriously.
He often fails to keep his promise.
I know that he keeps his promise.
I believed that he would keep his promise.
Even if you are busy, you should keep your promise.
I am confident he will keep his promise.
Something happened and he couldn't keep his promise.
The daughter was irritated with her mother, who always broke her promises.
Many politicians fail to keep their promises.
As far as I know, he is a person who keeps his promises.
She continued that you should keep your promise.
I think it important that we should keep a promise.
I advised him to keep that promise.
He's a man of his word, so you can count on him.
I think it doubtful whether he will keep his word.
She did not keep her promise to write to me.
I am on good terms with him. He always keeps his promises and is relied upon by everybody.