1. counter for stories, episodes of TV series, etc.
Kanji used
to speak
Pitch accent
Top 11100
Used in vocabulary (62 in total)
topic; subject; much talked about; topical; in the news
telephone call; speaking over the telephone; (Internet) voice call; counter for telephone calls of a set duration
myth; legend
dialogue; discussion; conversation; interaction
telepathic communication
art of conversation
talk; conversation; dialogue
true story
everyday conversation; day-to-day conversation
folk tale; folktale; folk story; folklore
tale; narrative
secret story; unknown episode
reception (telephone); listening (to a telephone)
lecture; discourse
quiet conversation; gossiping; idle talk
anecdote; brief (comic) story
topic; subject
utterance; speech
speaker; narrator; speaker (of a language)
night chat; tale told at night; evening tea party (starting around 6pm); book of informal essays
Buddhist sermon
lovers talk; sweet nothings
exemplum; apologue
chat over tea
quiet conversation; gossiping; idle talk
similar story; variant tale
one's own account (of something); account one got (heard) from somebody at first hand
one's own account (of something); account one got (heard) from somebody at first hand
anecdote; tidbit; gossip; little-known story
direct (telephone) line; direct dialing
(the art of) storytelling
sad story
confabulation; fabrication
silent mouthing
sad or tragic story
conversing from the heart; love story
small talk; gossip; spoken language; colloquial expression
Standard Chinese; Modern Standard Mandarin; Putonghua
good story; beautiful story; heartwarming story
retelling (of a tale, legend, etc.)
colloquial Chinese
(a) short story; short-story writer
subscribed telephone; subscription telephone
intra-city telephone call; local call
intercom; intercommunication system
(telephone) call forwarding; call diversion
coming to talk; conversation one came (to a place) to have
self-contained (of a story)
round table meeting or talks
Qing Mandarin (standard variety of Chinese spoken by official classes during the Qing dynasty); Mandarin (branch of Chinese spoken in northern and southwestern China)
talking to oneself; conducting a monologue
American spoken English
heartbreaking story; tragic tale
conversation on worldly affairs; chat about everyday life (business)