1. stock; products
2. stolen goods; loot; spoils
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (291 in total)
laws of nature; physical laws; physics
real thing; original; actual
foreign substance; foreign body; strange object; unusual object; (arch.) dead body; (arch.) corpse
taking photos of objects (for advertisements, product listings, etc.); promotional photography
living thing; organism; creature; biology
actual article or goods; spots (stocks, foreign exchange, commodities, etc.); (in) kind (income, benefit, rent, taxes, investment, etc.)
inorganic substance
sightseeing; watching; viewing; sightseer; watcher; spectator
famous product; special product; speciality; specialty
product; produce; result; fruit
things; affairs
poisonous substance; toxic substance; poison
marine products
something long; useless things; white elephant; boondoggle
waste products
lost article; lost property
individual (in philosophy)
talented person; clever person
person; character; one's character; one's personality; able person; talented person
spurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; sham
favourite dish (favorite); favourite food
structure; building
plot; ulterior motive; thing; article; penis
obstacle; hurdle
private property; personal belongings; personal effects
medicines; drugs
property; possession
all things; all creation
building; structure
amount of material resources
physical law; laws of physics
product; produce
shelter; cover; screen; shield; obstruction; defilade
important person; strategic person; key figure
foreign matter; impurities
hazardous materials; dangerous goods; explosives; combustibles
explosive (material)
crops; agricultural produce
worldly-minded person; materialist; uncultured person; philistine; vulgar person; snob
artificial object; man-made object; artifact; artefact
excretion; discharge; excrement
vomit and excreta
physical distribution; distribution of goods; logistics
mail; postal matter; postal item
greed; worldly or materialistic desires
pertaining to objects
great man; heroic figure; remarkable character
container; receptacle; utensil; implement; calibre; talent
contents (of a container, stomach, etc.); things inside
creative work (e.g. artistic, literary)
first-rate specimen; first-rate object; superb item; superb article; excellent thing; pick (e.g. of a litter)
practical; matter-of-fact; realistic; utilitarian; pragmatic
organic matter
waste matter; waste; garbage; trash
protuberance; protruding object; umbo
display items
harvest; crop; yield
solid (body); solid matter; solid food
mollusc; mollusk
natural features; scenery; things particular to a certain region or season; characteristic scenery and customs; scenes and manners
food and drink
printed matter
driftwood; flotsam
hard problem; person hard to please; hard nut to crack
mysterious person
local specialty; special product (of a region)
mixture; amalgam
suspicious object (e.g. potential bomb); suspicious substance
creature; creation
agricultural produce
deleterious substance; toxic substance
combustibles; inflammables; flammables; burnables
falling object; fallen object
natural history; wide learning; broad area of learning
public discussion; public criticism; controversy
(the products of) culture or civilization (civilisation)
belongings; appendage; accessory
cunning man; crook
object; objective; aim
stimulant; stimulative; excitant
documents to be presented; work to be submitted; submitted document; submitted work
still object; object at rest; still life (painting, drawing)
exhibit; article on display
substitute article
suspended particles; floating matter
natural features; scenery; a premium; gift
neoplasm; tumor; tumour
genuine article
vomit; vomitus; vomited matter
found article
Chinese goods; imported goods
moulded objects; sculpted objects; modeled objects; formed objects
medium; agency; carrier; vehicle; vector; fomite
public property
souvenir; memento
high-rise building; tall building; multi-storied building
written thing (e.g. book, musical composition); works
God doesn't give with both hands; God does not give two gifts; heaven does not grant people more than one talent
protist; protistan; protoctist
side dish; supplementary food
ornament; decoration
natural or man-made feature or object on the earth's surface (trees, hill, river, road, building, etc.); object or structure important in a battle, esp. for concealment
common property
dead thing; useless item
Imperial treasures
sediment; deposit
various things; fetish
organic compound
external object; foreign matter
character (in a novel, film, etc.)
blockhead; a fool
rare item (esp. food)
nutritive material
lost item; lost article
eccentric person
sediment; deposit; precipitate; sludge; lees
compound; composite
artistic work; literary work
aquatic life; water creatures
publication; periodical
living being
evidence; exhibit
attached matter; attached substances; accretion; incrustation
animal product; livestock product
the original
everything; every affair (matter); all things
wooden (timber) building
another thing; other things; another man's property
non-inflammables; incombustible (usu. waste)
physical chemistry
private possession
able man; fine man
phallus; penis
talented person; great man; great woman
marine products
miscellaneous things
prized or treasured object
indigestible materials
buried property; buried treasure; treasure trove; deposits
manufactured article; work; (a) construction; structure
nuclear waste
aquatic animal; aquatic fauna
physical engineering
nourishing or nutritious food
discharge; excreta
remnant; scraps; leftovers
product; manufactured material
genuine article
engraving; carving; statue
votive offering
amphibious animal
micro evidence; trace elements; small things
public feeling; state of things
natural products
nocturnal animal
taking photos of objects (for advertisements, product listings, etc.); promotional photography
object which is mixed in
government property
taking photos of objects (for advertisements, product listings, etc.); promotional photography
old things; ancient things
goods in custody; property in trust
tax on goods and personal possessions
catch of fish
intermediary; medium; channel
something indicative of
mixture; compound; hybrid
material resources
stores; stock; reserves; cache; inventory
name of a thing; acrostic poem in which consecutive morae form the disguised name of an animal, plant, place, etc.
side dish (to have with a drink)
side dish (to have with a drink)
inorganic compound
fruit and vegetables; greengrocery
refractory; heat resistance material; high temperature resistance material
detritus; clastic material
product being carried on a conveyor, etc.
poison; poisonous substance
social animal; group animal
something material; tangible object
building; facility
transcendent world; world outside of the material world; somewhere removed from the world
Neue Sachlichkeit (German art movement); New Objectivity
legal point of contention; matter in dispute; subject of debate; issue in contention
primary product
public property
municipal property
staple food; main article of diet
the main thing
pawned article
physical distribution
oviparous animal
aschelminth (any invertebrate animal formerly classified as belonging to phylum Aschelminthes)
gifted with two things (usu. beauty and intelligence)
benthic organism; sea-bottom fauna; benthos
protein hydrolyzate; hydrolyzed protein
something deposited
redundancy; superfluity
thermosetting material (esp. plastics and resins)
votive offering
medically effective ingredient
accessory (thing); appurtenance
an intangible
public property
a tax in kind
viviparous animal
insured item
plunder; spoils
farm produce
land products
forest products
mathematical and physical sciences
parazoan (member of an ancestral subkingdom of animals whose only surviving members are the sponges)
volcanic sublimate
red globular shape; red ball signal shape (marine safety context)
red globular shape; red ball signal shape (marine safety context)
white diamond shape; white diamond signal shape (marine safety context)
excrescence; projection
deposit; sediment; sedimentation
halide; halogenide
inclusion; enclave; enclosure
benthic animal; benthonic animal; zoobenthos
contents (of a container, purse, etc.)
acrostic poem in which consecutive morae form the disguised name of an animal, plant, place, etc.
small packet (Japan Post international mail service for packages weighing less than 2 kg)