1. year
2. counter for years (e.g. of an era), grades (e.g. school)
3. period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (179 in total)
annual; yearly; year (e.g. of graduation); nth year (e.g. student); order by year
every year; year after year
year by year; annually; every year; from year to year
annuity; pension
one year; some time ago
next year
century; hundred years; (fig.) a long time
after an interval of ... years; for the first time in ... years
(period of) a year; during an era
for some years
former years; formerly; a few years ago
annual tree ring; growth ring; experience in life
more than a year
boy; juvenile; young boy; youth; lad
this year
three years
age; years
how many years; how long; what year
half a year; six months
ten years; decade
millennium; one thousand years; (fig.) long time
four years
every year; yearly; annually
long time; many years
several years; a few years
middle-age; middle age; midlife; one's middle years
academic year; school year; year in school; grade in school
pupil in ... year; student in ... year
years later
months and years
age; era; period; date
last year
minor; not of age
few decades; many decades; several decades
following year
New Year
prime of life
average (normal, ordinary) year; every year; annually
ten thousand years; eternity
once a year
year before last
senior; elder; person older than oneself
repeating a year (at school); staying in the same class for another year
senior; older
period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years); apprenticeship; indentureship; one-year period
one's later years; final years (in life)
fiscal year (usu. April 1 to March 31 in Japan); financial year; academic year; school year; product year
whole year; all year round; throughout the year; during an era
whole year; all year round; throughout the year; during an era
whole year; all year round; throughout the year; during an era
whole year; entire year; n-th year anniversary
childhood; infancy
same year in school
the preceding year; the previous year; last year
young; juvenile
number of years
number of years
that year; same year; same age
many years
one's remaining years
New Year's card
old age
(many) years; long-standing (esp. hatred, grudge); ancient
name of an imperial era (e.g. Heisei, Shōwa); Japanese era name
this (current) year
all year round; all the time; year in and year out
age; years (old)
New Year's greetings; New Year's call; New Year's gift
by the end of the year
quinquennial; recurring every five years
the present year; at that time
years of (someone's) birth and death
middle and old age
youth; minor; young people
the whole year; all the year
one full year
visiting a shrine on New Year's Eve and staying there until (or returning on) New Year's Day
yearly (annual) turnover
all year; year round
annual publication; year of publication
year of a person's death; one's age at death
before the year ...
beginning of the year
passing of years; lapse of time; aging; ageing
middle grades of primary school (third and fourth grades)
several hundred million years
number of years since one's birth; age
number of years since one's birth; age
annual interest rate
two years later; year after next
the last days; the final years; the last generation
annual fee
more than ... years; -odd years
year in which an imperial memorial ceremony is held (the 3rd, 5th, 10th 20th, 50th and 100th years after death and every 100 years thereafter)
non-leap year; normal year (esp. as pertains to weather patterns, vegetative growth, harvest yields, etc.)
yearly amount
annual average; annual mean
Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)
next year
bad year; bad harvest
long service
model year (of an automobile, etc.)
death anniversary; Buddhist anniversary service
8000 years; thousands of years; eternity
yearly amount
the old year; last year
seeing the old year out; greeting the New Year; passing the winter; hibernation
Seven Years' War (1756-1763)
adulthood (i.e. age 20 in Japan); one's majority
annual rate (of interest)
yearly payment; annual payment; paying in yearly instalments
decennial; recurring every ten years
annual production
(a) year or two
quadrennial; recurring every four years
all year round; year after year
age at one's death
age at one's death
two years before
calendar year; civil year; time; year after year
conference; annual convention
biennially; every second year; every other year
septennial; recurring every seven years
old age
annual salary
novennial; recurring every nine years
years since produced (of cars)
annual production
successive years
New Year's greetings
facing a wall for nine years in meditation (by Bodhidharma at Shaolin Temple)
year of publication
the next year
year after next
octennial; recurring every eight years
some other year; some day
annual variation
by years
year end
it often takes time for one's actions to bear fruit; (lit.) planted peach and chestnut seeds take three years (to bear fruit), persimmons take eight
amount of a pension payment; annuity
years (since the start of an era)
half a year
Asia-Pacific War (starting with the Manchurian Incident in 1931 and ending with the Japanese surrender in 1945); Pacific War; (lit.) fifteen years' war
death anniversary; Buddhist anniversary service
annual tax
last year
last year
biennial plant
a sidereal year
man of perennial youth; man who never loses his youthful vigor
(some year's) model
ordinal date
age verification
adding years
annual profit
annual rate
annual tax
Martian year
anomalistic year
Meiji 27-28 Campaign (alternate name for the First Sino-Japanese war; 1894-1895)
Meiji 27-28 Campaign (alternate name for the First Sino-Japanese war; 1894-1895)
year of recording
life is short; (lit.) life is just fifty years
drinks to celebrate the New Year (sake, wine, etc.)
expiration of a term of service
expiration of a term of service
person-year; man-year
annual parallax; heliocentric parallax; stellar parallax
one's actual age; one's fifties and sixties
Examples (200 in total)
I only wear a kimono about once a year.
He is in good health in spite of his age.
We were married five years ago today.