1. smallness; small item
2. short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days)
3. elementary school
4. smaller (of two things, places, etc. with the same name); inferior
5. younger (of two people with the same name); junior
6. unit of field area (approx. 400 sq m)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (220 in total)
first year of elementary school; first year elementary school student
just a minute; small quantity
novel; (short) story
elementary school student; primary school student; grade school student
minor difference
little three dragons; winning hand that contains two pungs or kongs of dragons and a pair of the third dragon
urine; piss; pee; breaking a contract
small misfortune
younger brother; I; me
sand martin (Riparia riparia)
little girl; maiden; young lady; (arch.) female between 17 and 20 years old (ritsuryo period)
primary school; elementary school; grade school
elementary school; primary school; school for children over eight years old in ancient China; traditional Chinese philology
urine; small amount of water
brute courage
slight difference; narrow margin
hut; cabin; shed; one's own house
size; large and small (sizes); various sizes; daishō (matched pair of long and short swords); large and small drums; long months and short months; sic bo (Macao dice game)
path; lane
child; small person
child; small person
small scale
small quantity; small amount; narrowmindedness
lane; alley
small island; islet
platoon commander; section commander
reduction; curtailment
short sword; small sword
I; me; my humble self
puniness; youth
smallest (in size, degree, etc.); least; minimum; minimal
diminutive; dwarfish; pygmy; narrow (e.g. thinking); small
sixth year of elementary school; sixth year elementary school student
rifle; small arms
young child; infant
minimum; minuscule; local minimum
minimum; minuscule; local minimum
petty official; I; me
short break; breather
quiz; short test; mini test
small fire
petty bourgeois; lower middle class
light eating; spare diet; not eating much
timidity; cowardice; prudence; pedantry
booklet; pamphlet
small village; hamlet
small and medium
slightly good luck (as a fortune telling result)
bar; measure; short pause (in writing); petty principles; minor details
small intestine
small sum (e.g. of money); small denomination
anecdote; brief (comic) story
microcosmos; microcosm
short trip; brief journey; excursion
fifth year of elementary school; fifth year elementary school student
small city
trifling matter; trifle
trifling matter; urination; urine
fourth year of elementary school; fourth year elementary school student
short break; breather
(our) company; (my) company; small company; small shrine
short and small
short piece (of music, writing); small work (painting, sculpture, etc.); literary sketch; small article; small item
third year of elementary school; third year elementary school student
elementary and middle school pupils
second year of elementary school; second year elementary school student
short essay; pamphlet; tract
small piece; fragment; bit
little shop; small shop; small store
elementary and middle schools
elementary, junior high and high school
little theater; small theater
small calibre; small caliber
too small
minor incident; sideshow
lobe; lobule; lobulus; leaflet; foliole; microphyll
fraction (part of); decimal fraction
small and simple home
short piece of music
slight damage
Hinayana (Buddhism); the Lesser Vehicle
the greater embraces the less; better too big than too small
small arms
statuette; figurine
Asia Minor; Anatolia
small part (of the whole)
the self; the ego
small (dinner) party
petty trick; ruse
biographical sketch
trifling; minor; petty
small and of mediocre talent
small profit
small stipend
small farmer
small portion; small serving
(being) slightly covetous; a little covetousness
short or concise history
(a bit of) fine scenery
short interval of leisure; short break or breather; lull
a small world
superficial knowledge; shallow wisdom; (arch.) small fief
Little Kyoto; small town with historical features reminiscent of Kyoto
small ball; globule; spherule; pellet
small animal (mammal)
elementary school (esp. the elementary school section of a school that also encompasses other grades); primary school
short article; short essay; (one's own) article or essay
weak opponent; weak enemy
lowly government servant; humble government servant; I; me
small book; my book
small electoral district; single-member constituency
little child; (arch.) male between 4 and 16 years old (ritsuryo period); (arch.) pupil; (arch.) disciple; I; me
brush; clash; encounter; skirmish
lesser omentum
"grain full" solar term (approx. May 21)
small business; small company
minor surgery; minor operation
small dictionary; abridged dictionary; pocket dictionary; glossary
"minor cold" solar term (approx. January 6)
small family
childish reaction (like that of an elementary school student); unsophisticated reaction
small container; person of small capacities
minor premise
short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days)
dementia with Lewy bodies; DLB; Lewy body dementia; LBD
premolar (tooth)
petty bench of the supreme court; small claims court
house; home
lowly person; person with a humble salary; insignificant person
student at the same elementary school; graduate of the same elementary school
petit bourgeois; petty bourgeois
a small kindness; minor good deed
"minor heat" solar term (approx. July 7)
low-power (electric)
cellule; cellula; small room (esp. with tatami mats); floret (of broccoli, etc.)
Little Russia; Ukraine
the lesser yin (within yin-yang)
slight mistake
small area; subregion
small political party
(of a book, etc.) short
to sacrifice something small in order to save something great; to lose a leg to save one's life; to kill a small bug and help a large one
small political party
minor earthquake
small guardrail
frenulum; frenum; zonule
small hydropower; micro hydro; small-scale hydroelectric power generation
small hydropower; micro hydro
epitome of Tokyo; miniature Tokyo
being bold and courageous, but also careful and meticulous
small seal script (arising during China's Warring States period)
minute; minuscule
to sacrifice something small in order to save something great; to lose a leg to save one's life; (lit.) to kill a small bug and save a large one
petty; trivial; trifling; paltry; meager; meagre
little emperor; spoilt only child (in China)
small lot (manufacture, etc.)
slight change
pamphlet; booklet
Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Rosette
renal corpuscle
petty jury; petit jury
radioactive small source
less-than mark (<); left angle bracket
forming a four-of-a-kind by adding a self-drawn tile to an open three-of-a-kind
minor political party
parentheses; parenthesis; (round) brackets
petit mal (seizure)
minor festal song (subgenre of the Shi Jing)
Malpighian corpuscle (i.e. renal corpuscle)
opening a door for a moment (esp. on the train, when someone's foot is stuck, etc.)
small beer mug
Small Magellanic Cloud (galaxy)
minor Socratic schools (of philosophy)
alula; bastard wing
pulmonary circulation
carotid body; carotid glomus
minor (determinant)
psoas minor muscle
first anniversary of a person's death
Edo-period small-size single-sheet prints containing puzzles, short stories, etc.; Edo-period playbills
brief impression (of); quick comment (on)
lesser trochanter; trochanter minor
Small Island Developing States; SIDS
my manuscript
small shaku (approx. 29.6 cm)
young female servant
Examples (3 in total)
Large or small?
Bless these little children.
Which train is bound for Odawara?