1. United Kingdom; Britain
2. English (language)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (81 in total)
English letter; alphabetic character
English (language)
Kanji to English (dictionary)
hero; heroine; Eroica Symphony (Beethoven, 1804); Heroic Polonaise (Chopin)
English law; British law; British method; British style
English-Japanese; English-Japanese dictionary
King of England
wisdom; intelligence; intellect
English writing; English sentence; English text; English literature; English lit
excellence; genius
intelligent; wise; bright; brilliant; clear-sighted
genius; prodigy
spirits of war dead; person of great ability; soul of a talented person
English translation
America and Britain; American-British
study of the English language as a means to acquire Western knowledge (esp. after the end of Japan's period of isolation); English literature; British studies
English composition
British territory (possession)
British style; Dunlop valve; Woods valve
cream of tartar; potassium hydrogen tartrate
English title (of a film, book, etc.)
great man; hero; master mind
English conversation; school for English conversation
firm decision; decisive measure; resolute step; excellent decision
distinguished (surpassing) valor (valour)
Briton; Englishman; (the) English
English word
United Kingdom and the Netherlands; British-Dutch; England
the British Empire
Briton; Englishman
Britain and France; Anglo-French
great wisdom; excellent disposition; strength (to face something); willpower; vigor
gathering of talented people; group of geniuses
English(-language) literature; British literature
Commonwealth of Nations (formerly British Commonwealth)
Japan and Britain; Japanese-British; Anglo-Japanese; Japanese-English (translation, interpretation, etc.)
alphanumeric character
British royal family
department of English literature
France and the United Kingdom; French-British; French-English
fame; glory; reputation; English name (of plants, animals, etc.)
English composition
English letter; alphabetic character
English grammar
Britain and Germany
All Britain (e.g. tournament); All England
Japanese-English; Japanese-English dictionary
British capital; London
British capital; London
English-Japanese translation
English poetry; English poem
English book; book written in English
great ruler
ASCII coding
Englishmen and Americans
pound (unit of weight)
British person; British citizen; Briton
English studies; English philology; English linguistics
departed spirit
Britain, France and Germany
being in the United Kingdom; staying in the United Kingdom; residing in the United Kingdom
English-Japanese (usu. for translation and dictionaries)
Germany and Britain; German-English
brilliant qualities; fine character; British capital (money)
Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu (iaido style)
British newspaper
English-English dictionary
lower-case letters
long ton; British ton
English pronunciation
British English
English ton; long ton
alphanumeric code
alphanumeric character set
upper-case letters; upper-case alphabetics
British parliament
Examples (2 in total)
My sister has a good command of both English and French.
Are there any Spanish-English dictionaries you recommend for beginners?