Adjective (な)
1. large; big; great; huge; vast; major; important; serious; severe
2. great; prominent; eminent; distinguished
3. -sized; as big as; the size of
4. university
5. large (e.g. serving size); large option
6. long month (i.e. having 31 days)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (445 in total)
daikon (variety of large white Oriental radish, Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus); ham actor
heavy loss
important; serious; valuable; precious; serious matter; major incident
excellent luck
safe; secure; certainly; surely; no thanks; I'm good
loveable; very likeable; like very much
bold; daring; audacious
great adventure
great fortune; good luck; rice cake stuffed with bean jam
detestable; abhorrent; loathsome
large temple
exceptionally large
medical school
great king
magnificent; grand; majestic; splendid
great (quantity, amount, etc.); huge; enormous; serious
bang on the money; spot on; right answer
great; grand; magnificent; outstanding; mighty
large; big; grown (man, etc.); great (friend, etc.); huge (football fan, etc.)
large statue of Buddha (trad. at least 4.8m high)
great teacher (i.e. a buddha, bodhisattva or high monk, esp. Kobo Daishi)
terrible luck; very bad luck
outline; main points; generally; on the whole; general; rough
grand; magnificent; majestic; great; sublime
black-bellied plover; grey plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
metropolis; big city
university; college; former central university of Kyoto (established under the ritsuryo system for the training of government administrators); the Great Learning (one of the Four Books)
general; admiral; head; chief; old chap; mate
long sword (esp. the tachi, worn on the hip edge down by samurai); large sword; straight single-edged Japanese sword (from the mid-Heian period or earlier); guandao; Chinese glaive
tolerant; generous; lenient; broad-minded; magnanimous
daini (type of playing cards)
huge success
great debt of gratitude; great obligation
mighty; powerful
president (of a nation); big man; boss; buddy
university student; college student
being very active; being very useful; playing a very active part; making a spectacular showing; great efforts; splendid work
chaos; turmoil; pandemonium; havoc
commander-in-chief; Taishōgun; one of the eight gods of the koyomi
great disaster
general resemblance; being largely the same; uniting with a common goal; Daidō era (806.5.18-810.9.19)
great love; passionate affair
(state of) utter panic; great panic
Age of Discovery; Age of Exploration
top-quality sake brewed from rice grains milled to 50% of weight or less
big three dragons; winning hand consisting of pungs or kongs of each of the three types of dragon tiles
university of foreign studies; university specializing in foreign languages
turning a concealed pung into an open kong by calling another player's discard
adult; grown-up
considerably; greatly; a lot
considerably; greatly; a lot
biggest; greatest; largest; maximum
ground; earth; the solid earth; the (vast) land
serious; important; significant; grave; weighty
vast; huge; immense; malva nut (Sterculia lychnophora)
big snake; serpent
most part; greater part; majority
size; large and small (sizes); various sizes; daishō (matched pair of long and short swords); large and small drums; long months and short months; sic bo (Macao dice game)
tremendous; immense
serious crime; grave sin
warm welcome
large front gate
enlargement; increase
one large ...; a great ...
very popular; highly favoured
archbishop (Catholic)
big problem
(one's) favourite food; (one's) favorite food
the big three ...
leading aristocrat; great house; grand seigneur; boyar
great majority
major incident; major happening; big scandal
outrageous; monstrous; appalling; inordinate; overambitious
large explosion
haughty; arrogant; pompous; self-important
long and large; tall and large; grand; huge
university or college offering four-year programs; the big four ...; the four major ...
large public bath
great disaster; horrible tragedy; catastrophe; catastrophic event; catastrophic incident; dire calamity
metropolis; large city
as soon as possible; ASAP
large company; large enterprise; large corporation
major premise (in a syllogism); important condition; basic premise; something that should be obvious to all; something that should not have to be argued
loud shout; excited cheering
very loud volume; megavolume
nature; Mother Nature
massive failure; debacle; fiasco
completely satisfied; as pleased as can be
maximum; local maximum
battalion commander
big fan (of something or someone); great fan
life-size; life-sized; true-to-life; faithful (depiction); realistic
the big two...; two major...; two main...
major earthquake; large earthquake
large-scale operation; large-scale campaign; major mission
very loud voice
extremely rich person; multimillionaire; billionaire; daifugō; daihinmin; Japanese card game similar to President
huge win; overwhelming victory
graduate school
big hit; smash hit; popular item (e.g. movie, music)
(in) dire straits; (in a) serious bind; (in a) big pinch
great success; roaring business; busy; packed-out
breakthrough; great discovery
serious damage; injury or loss; heavy blow
holding a sword above one's head (kendo posture); haughty attitude; overbearing manner
great teacher; great master; great author; great doctor
large stage; grand stage; the big stage; grand setting
scum of the earth; monster; fiend
the five elements (in Japanese philosophy: earth, water, fire, wind and void); five great wisdom kings
large family; extended family
(one's) father-in-law; (one's) employer; master; principal supporter of a temple; influential temple parishioner
loud sound; loud reverberation
thunderous roar of laughter (from multiple people); loud burst of laughter; explosive laughter
big craze; boom; popular trend; widespread contagion; large outbreak
battalion; large force
large monster (Japanese film genre)
main street; avenue
great tumult; great strife; big loud bang; bustle; dirdum; hell broken loose
complete agreement
college of the arts; university of the arts; art university
very big; very large; taking up a lot of space
excessive; too much; unreasonable
junior college; vocationally oriented two or three year post-secondary education institution
very highly commended; highly lauded; very well-received; very popular
large character; large writing
someone who is greatly one's senior; veteran
college of music
major war; great war; world war
big treat; great offer
women's college; women's university
great plain; prairie; steppe; hahahaha; LMAO; ROFL
massacre; mass slaughter; genocide; holocaust
dramatic turn-around; major reversal; great comeback; game changer
macrocosmos; macrocosm; the universe; the cosmos
bow; longbow
heavy flooding; disastrous flood; deluge; great flood (sent by a deity); flood myth
the six elements (earth, water, fire, wind, void, and consciousness)
shouting in a thunderous voice
aorta; (fig.) important traffic route
large hall
best friend; very close friend
denouement; ending; conclusion; (grand) finale
university of arts; arts college
serious accident; major incident
Imperial General Headquarters (Japan)
rich person; millionaire; magnate; big spender; debauchee
large hospital; major hospital
strong opposition
Great Japan
Great Japan
rave reviews; extremely high praise
the four elements (earth, water, fire, wind); the human body; Tao, heaven, earth and king
large intestine; large bowel; colon
commander-in-chief; generalissimo
excellent; very good; exultant; elated
large screen (TV, film, etc.)
big talk; braggadocio
great man; magnanimous man
great inconvenience; great deal of trouble; big nuisance; royal pain in the behind
large enterprise; big business; large undertaking
high capacity
Mahayana (Buddhism); the Great Vehicle; large passenger vehicle
Mahavairocana (Tathagata); Great Sun; Supreme Buddha of Sino-Japanese esoteric Buddhism
pectoralis major muscle
great benefactor; person to whom one is greatly indebted
high treason
overriding principle; main principle; great principle
educational facility established in affiliation with a government agency
great popularity; sensation; good reputation
crowd (e.g. of spectators); huge audience
explosive increase (in number of pests); (severe) outbreak or upsurge of pests
supreme wisdom; sage
university graduate; having graduated from university
archbishop (Orthodox, Anglican, etc.)
great earthquake (disaster); Great Kanto earthquake of 1923
the British Empire
labia majora
makeover; major change
great virtue; virtuous priest; priest; rich person
(gymnastical) giant swing; all-out effort; frenzied activity
Dalian (China)
big star; superstar
the giant slalom
major volcanic eruption; large-scale eruption; violent eruption; great eruption
great gathering
thighbone; femur
peaceful death
feces; excrement; stool
private university
colorectal cancer; large bowel cancer
growing old; old person
high priest of a great shrine
double extra-large; 2XL; XXL
lecture hall; lecture theatre; auditorium
surprise victory; upset; coup
large temple edifice; large temple
major surgery; major operation
immense physical strength
daihinmin; daifugō; Japanese card game similar to President
ōshinbun; type of Meiji-era newspaper characterized by its use of political commentary written in literary language; major newspaper
great writer; major writer
large tengu; powerful tengu; big braggart; blowhard
big thanks; great gratitude
lengthy (of a book, etc.); voluminous; most (e.g. most part); greater; fairly
Great Leap Forward (failed attempt to industrialize China and increase agricultural production, from 1958-1960); significant breakthrough; great strides
big athletic meet (esp. at school); sports day; field day
Sister (i.e. a nun; sometimes used as a posthumous suffix)
Summer Triangle (asterism)
great stature; large build
large circle; great circle
subserviency to the stronger
Great Depression
large encyclopedia
harangue; fervent speech
great disaster; calamity
severe famine
the Major Leagues; Major League Baseball; MLB
large monk; large, bald man; big baldy; large, bald-headed monster
large, medium and small (businesses, rooms, etc.)
large amount of capital; large-cap; big-cap
old-fashioned; antiquated; anachronistic
major change; major transformation
large dictionary; comprehensive dictionary; unabridged dictionary
High Priest (of Israel)
edifice; monumental architecture; huge building
essentially the same with only minor differences
Greater East Asian War (1941-1945); Pacific War
scum of the earth; monster; fiend
broad policy; overriding principle
big splash; big response; major repercussions
large beer mug
the greater embraces the less; better too big than too small
actual size
battle royal
great shock
major air raid; blitz
national university
realization of a great ambition; realisation of a great ambition
university student; college student
large-scale maneuvers; large-scale manoeuvres; war games
revolution; cataclysm; drastic change
great scholar; savant; polymath
agricultural university
mass recruitment
the Grand Shrine at Ise
director of a district (ritsuryo system)
coarse; rough; bulky
major progress; huge advance
greater-than mark (>); right angle bracket
full court; grand bench of the supreme court
greater omentum; caul
great and small; in detail; all
university festival; rag day
big match; big game; important match; important game
major recession; serious (economic) depression; Great Depression
head temple of a Buddhist sect
lofty; grand; impressive; high school and university
Great Bodhisattva Hachiman (title of Hachiman due to Shinto-Buddhist syncretism)
Lord Chancellor
small; tiny; (lit.) size of a palm
large rock; huge rock; being rock-solid; holding firm; being adamant
greater metropolitan area; megalopolis; conurbation
great man; fine figure of a man
(China's) Cultural Revolution (1966-76)
actual size; full size
Military Staff College
patient in a serious condition; serious case
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
greater palace; area centered on the inner palace, home to various administrative bodies
the whole universe (of a billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened
commercial college
atrocity; outrage; heinousness
Winter Triangle (asterism)
technical college
immense; enormous
former central university of Kyoto (established under the ritsuryo system for the training of government administrators)
major-leaguer; member of a major-league team
Völkerwanderung; great migration in Europe, 4th to 6th century CE
feces and urine
Daijirin (Japanese dictionary published by Sanseido)
O Great God of Arms, I beseech your aid against my enemy!
hard-to-get-into university; elite university; highly-selective university
resolute decision
marble statue
The Eight Greater Hells
large feast; big meal
giant catfish (mythological being thought to cause earthquakes)
(time of) extreme cold; "major cold" solar term (approx. January 20, roughly the coldest time of the year)
complete freedom; great freedom; great unhinderedness
gluteus maximus
heavy damage; great harm
university graduate; college graduate
great debate; great controversy
the Tripitaka (complete Buddhist canon)
large and wide
large-scale (mechanized, mechanised) farming; wealthy farmer
business-card size
big goof; serious mistake
private university
Great Patriotic War (Russian name for the war along the eastern front during World War II)
the ten great disciples (of Buddha)
Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra
big family principle; extended family policy
Spring Triangle (asterism)
fairness; justice
throwing one's weight around without knowing one's limitations; (lit.) Yelang thinks too highly of itself
something of the same size; the said university
adarsa-jnana (great-perfect-mirror wisdom, wisdom clearly elucidating all things)
toilet (for defecating)
postcard size
(arch.) great impropriety (esp. towards the imperial family); crime against the imperial family (or a shrine dedicated to them, etc.)
Great Awakening (18th century American Christian revival movement)
main telephone number
Great Britain (island)
Socialist Masses Party
exerting oneself to the utmost, prepared to die if necessary
Yamantaka Vidya-raja; conqueror of Death
main (switchboard) number; main telephone (phone) number
grand champion considered to be truly great, usually with over 10 makuuchi tournament wins
Mahesvara (Shiva in the Buddhist pantheon)
major religion; great religion
great; immense
broad category
great teachings (of the Buddha); teachings of the Mahayana; most important ritual (in esoteric Buddhism)
megacompetition; mega-competition
Mahāraurava; The Hell of Great Wailing; The Great Screaming Hell; the fifth of eight hot hells in Buddhism
grand unified theory
double size
Mahasamghika (early Buddhist movement)
grand coalition; grand alliance
loudly reciting Amithaba's name
star anise (Illicium verum)
large effect
psoas major muscle
major planet; giant planet; Jovian planet
great mandala (in Shingon); mandala with an image of each deity
very auspicious day
Indian Mutiny (1857-1858)
position at the imperial court in ancient China
swallowing a great amount of tea or medicine; tea prepared for the New Year with the first water of the year
macrocyclic; large ring
Daewongun (honorary title for the father of the king in Joseon-era Korea; esp. in ref. to Heungseon Daewongun, father of Emperor Gojong)
supreme order (i.e. of the chrysanthemum); highest possible order of merit
Great Interregnum (gap between Hohenstaufen and Habsburg rule of the Holy Roman Empire, approx. 1254-1273 CE)
the seven great temples of Nara (Daian-ji, Gango-ji, Horyu-ji, Kofuku-ji, Saidai-ji, Todai-ji, Yakushi-ji)
past perfect tense; pluperfect
great (white) egret
university system
large seal script (dating from China's Spring and Autumn period onward)
Dai Kanwa Jiten (major Kanji Dictionary, edited by Morohashi Tetsuji)
grand mal (seizure)
120th birthday
systemic circulation; general circulation (of the atmosphere)
tea prepared for the New Year with the first water of the year
Great Qing Empire (China, 1644-1912); Qing dynasty
the great municipal mergers of the Heisei era; series of large-scale municipal mergers carried out between 1995 and 2010 under the temporary Special Mergers Law
being bold and courageous, but also careful and meticulous
electoral system allowing for the election of multiple candidates from one district; multi-member constituent electoral system
major revision
university graduate
grand kagura performance at Ise
Large-scale Retail Stores Law
large deformation
last session (trading day, trading) of the year
master; grandmaster; senior instructor
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun
great six-syllable mantra ("om mani padme hum")
kanji "big" radical at top
far-reaching amendment; significant revision
second anniversary of a person's death
greater trochanter; trochanter major
public university
Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata)
lesser sand plover (Charadrius mongolus)
greater sand plover (Charadrius leschenaultii)
Habenaria dentata (species of bog orchid)
large paragraph
first session (trading day) of the year
large character; alternative kanji used for numbers (esp. in financial contexts)
square brackets
eight great wisdom kings (Acala, Kundali, Mezu, Munosho, Trilokavijaya, Ucchusma, Vajrayaksa, Yamantaka)
Great Vowel Shift
Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown
Osaka Securities Exchange
global modelling transformation
global entity
mass storage
mass storage control system; MSCS
school of kowakamai dance founded by Yamamoto Sirozaemon
Manchukuo dialect; Greater East Asian dialect
os trapezium; trapezium
Large Magellanic Cloud (galaxy)
seven boarding schools established in Kyoto by noble families during the early Heian period
university of technology; science and technology college
large pyroclastic flow
the seven continents
the seven continents
Mahavairocana Sutra; Mahavairocana Tantra
large storage space
Kannon of Great Mercy (alt. name for Avalokiteshvara); Greatly Compassionate Kannon; Daihi Kannon
large lot (manufacture); big lot
large shaku (approx. 35.6cm)
grown-up woman; adult woman
distinguished scholar; holder of a higher doctorate
bench used by the Emperor
Examples (53 in total)
Large or small?
I hate dancing.
I hate Christmas.