1. cheap
2. rash; thoughtless; careless; indiscreet; frivolous
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (49 in total)
peaceful; tranquil; calm; restful
peace (of mind); tranquility; tranquillity; serenity
to feel at ease
to rest; to relax
to be rested; to feel at ease; to repose; to be relieved
low price
criterion; standard; yardstick; rough estimate; approximation
cheap article; poor quality article
knitting; hosiery; knitted goods
promising without due consideration
to be contented; to be at ease
cheap-looking; tawdry; insignificant
cheap; reasonable
cheap; economical
to be contented; to be at ease
bargain sale; selling cheaply; giving out freely
cheap hotel
on the cheap side; comparatively cheap; wait tile which produces a winning hand with a lower score
dirt cheap; super cheap; bargain-priced
economical; comparatively cheap
calmly; peacefully; painlessly; comfortably
cheap saloon
safe, easy childbirth; guardian bodhisattva, buddha or deity of children or childbirth (esp. Ksitigarbha or Avalokitesvara)
cheap yen
maximum allowable single-day loss (stock exchange, etc.)
you get what you pay for; cheap and nasty
cheapest; least expensive; lowest-price
bauble; trinket; gimcrack; gewgaw; tchotchke; tsatske
bargain price
bargain price
(period of) low stock prices; falling stock prices
inexpensively; cheaply
cheap dollar
across-the-board fall in prices
gradual decline (of stock prices)
gradual decline (of stock prices)
cheap bottle (e.g. of alcohol)
lower future quotations
all-round (market) decline
cheap and cute
resting; relaxing; hesitating; loitering
isolated fall of a security or currency in an otherwise strong market
rest; calm; peace; quiet
Urayasu Station
Yasuno Station
Examples (1 in total)
How many rocks can you see at Ryoanji?