Adjective (な)
1. greatly energetic
2. ferocious
3. extreme; severe
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (33 in total)
ferocious; fierce; truculent; savage
fiercely; ferociously; furiously; resolutely
fierce animal; beast of prey; big game
heat wave; fierce heat
brave general; brave warrior; courageous general
great speed; recklessly fast speed
fury; power; menace
frantic dash; rushing at full speed
heavy blow; heavy hit
daring; brave; bold; valiant; intrepid; dauntless
raging bull; ferocious bull
birds of prey (of order Falconiformes or Strigiformes); raptors
deadly poison
blizzard; furious snowstorm
training extra hard
hard training
raging flames; roaring flames; raging fire
strong opposition; vehement opposition
studying very hard; studying like mad
vehement objection; bitter opposition
fierce flames; raging flames
fierce attack
furious opposition; strong opposition; vehement protest
withering gunfire
savage; ferocious; atrocious
valiant courage
hard training; intensive training
heavy bombing; intensive bombing
strongly ferocious
great strength; courageous army; valiant troops
great strength; courageous army; valiant troops
slugger; heavy hitter
Examples (1 in total)
A severe typhoon has done much damage to property.