1. perpetrators of (some) crime; (some type of) crime
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (57 in total)
crime; criminal act; offence; offense
offender; criminal; culprit
principal offence; principal offense; principal offender
crime; offence; offense
kidnapper; kidnaper; abductor
criminal; culprit; offender; rogue
flagrante delicto; caught red-handed
heinous criminal; vicious criminal
habitual criminal; recidivist; recidivism; habitual criminal activity
crime of conscience; premeditated crime; act carried out while knowing that it should not be
crime committed for fun; criminal who takes delight in people's reaction to his crimes
theft; stealing; larceny
lone criminal; sole perpetrator; crime carried out by one person
copycat criminal; copycat crime
political offense; political offence; political crime; political offender; political prisoner; prisoner of conscience
escaped prisoner; fugitive
second offense; second offence
fugitive from justice; fugitive criminal
ideological offense; crime of espousing dangerous ideas; political crime; ideological offender; thought crime
intellectual crime; white-collar crime; intellectual criminal; smart criminal
political offence; political offense
punishable offense; crime
accomplice; complicity
criminal record
criminal offense; criminal offence
criminal intent; malice
felony; major offence; felon; old offender
infringement; violation; breach of regulations; infraction
repeated offense; repeated offence
evidence of a crime
intentional crime
criminal instigator
gunman; shooter
principal offense; principal offence; principal offender
criminal offense
military offense; military offence
offense against public morals; morals offense; vice crime
accessory offense; accessory offence
crime of omission
crime of commission
violent crime
crime of negligence; careless offense; careless offence
violations of special law
crime whose goal requires a large number of people acting together (e.g. insurrection)
single crime consisting of multiple independent crimes (i.e. robbery, which consists of theft and threats or use of violence)
single crime that naturally consists of a number of incidences and is charged as only one count (e.g. habitual gambling); crime whose goal requires a large number of people acting together (e.g. insurrection)
habitual criminal; recidivist; recidivism; habitual criminal activity
malum in se; act inherently wrong by nature
malum prohibitum; unlawful act by virtue of statute
occasional crime; crime instigated by external circumstances
crime instigated by external circumstances
would-be crime abandoned before being carried out
Examples (4 in total)
The escaped prisoner hasn't been caught yet.
The hijackers were from Middle Eastern countries.
The series of crimes were thought to have been committed by the same man.