1. virtue
2. benevolence
3. profit; benefit; advantage
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (75 in total)
the five virtues; tripod; three or four-legged kettle stand; family crest in the shape of such an object
sake bottle; tall and slender bottle with a narrow mouth made from ceramic, metal or glass that can be used for sake, shoyu or rice vinegar; turtleneck (sweater); non-swimmer; person who cannot swim
virtuous; rich
divine virtues
Tokugawa forces
Chōtoku era (995.2.22-999.1.13)
virtuous government; government founded on good morals
Tokushima (city, prefecture)
virtueless; (arch.) poor
Ōtoku era (1084.2.7-1087.4.7)
vice; immorality; corruption
great virtue; virtuous priest; priest; rich person
benevolence; goodness
immoral; unethical
emperor's virtue
the House of Tokugawa; the Tokugawas
natural virtue; personal virtue
natural virtue; personal virtue
lack of virtue; immorality; vice; depravity; unworthiness
Tokugawa shogunate (i.e. the Edo shogunate, 1603-1867)
eminent virtue
benevolent rule; moratorium on debts
great virtue; virtuous priest; priest; rich person
Tokugawa period (i.e. the Edo period, 1603-1867)
virtuous; rich
Tokugawa's side
virtuous; respectable
Gentoku era (1329.8.29-1331.8.9)
virtue and influence; virtue and authority
morals; morality; sincerity
Shōtoku era (1711.4.25-1716.6.22)
moral character or consciousness
Tentoku era (957.10.27-961.2.16)
imperial virtue; heavenly virtue; greatest virtue; highest virtue
virtue gained by practising Buddhism
knowledge and virtue
strong, immovable sense of morality; high moral character; chastity; virtue
(types of) virtue
fortune; happiness and prosperity
martial arts
virtue; Meitoku era (of the Northern Court) (1390.3.26-1392.10.5); Meitoku era (of reunified Japan) (1392.10.5-1394.7.5)
repayment of someone's kindness; showing one's gratitude; moral requital
influence of great virtue; influence of ancestors
great virtue
public morality; social morals; civic virtues
various virtues; all kinds of virtues; many virtuous priests
woman's virtues
three primary virtues: valour, wisdom and benevolence (valor)
grace; blessing; compassion
secret charity
intelligence and virtue
learning and virtue
moral sense
goddess of (lucky) directions
Jōtoku era (1097.11.21-1099.8.28); Shōtoku era
to practice virtue; to practise virtue
charity; caritas
Montoku Jitsuroku (fifth of the six classical Japanese history texts)
personal morals; personal virtues
economical product; economy-sized goods
great virtue; outstanding virtue
Nihon Montoku Tennō Jitsuroku (fifth of the six classical Japanese history texts)
the early bird catches the worm
the virtuous man will not long remain lonely
national morality
Kantoku era (1044.11.24-1046.4.14)
wondrous virtue; miraculous virtue
debt cancellation order issued by the Emperor or the Shogun (during the Muromachi and Kamakura periods)
Tokuyama Dam
Examples (2 in total)
The only reward of virtue is virtue.
He is a man of virtue.