1. article (in document); provision
2. stripe; streak; line
3. although; though
4. since; as; because; inasmuch as
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (44 in total)
a line; a streak; one item (in an itemized form); one clause; one matter (affair, event, case, incident); (arch.) the same logic
treaty; pact; convention; agreement
what street? (esp. in Kyoto and Sapporo); what article? (in a law); (arch.) how can?; (arch.) cannot possibly
each clause; each article; each item
condition; term; requirement; qualification; prerequisite
creed; belief; conviction; article of faith
regulations; rules; (local) regulation; ordinance; bylaw
clause; article; stipulations
item; article; clause; section; point
text; provisions (act, treaty)
(barbed) wire entanglements
first article
tenet; dogma
cable; rope
rail (of a railroad)
golden rule (basic principle ensuring success in some activity)
article; clause; stipulation
line; a streak
willow twig
Seventeen-Article Constitution (of Asuka-period Japan)
The Seventeen-Article Constitution
preceding article or entry
linear mark; abrasion; scratch; streak
grid city plan used for the Imperial capital
provisions (e.g. in a constitution); articles; clauses; chapters and sections (of a document)
type of hanging scroll (made from paper of approx. 130cm x 30cm in size)
branch (of a tree)
the next article; the next entry
system of land subdivision in ancient Japan
cestodes; tapeworms
double-lined mackerel (Grammatorcynus bilineatus)
stipulation; article; clause; provision
multigrooved cam
variegated streaks
investigation committee (of prefectural assembly, established under Section 100 of the Act)
soft ray (of a fin)
striation; streak line
layering (e.g. in gardening)
Examples (3 in total)
Non-violence is the first article of my faith.
Article 6. The president shall preside at all meetings.
I hope that Japan will abide by Article 9 of her Constitution.