1. pull; patronage; influence
2. tug
3. discount
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (146 in total)
to have a cramp; to twitch; to stiffen (of a face, expression); to freeze; to shrink (of skin, due to a scar); to tauten
to drag along; to pull; to force someone along; to prolong; to drag out; to influence strongly
to attract; to draw near; to charm; to attract; to have a convulsion
to pull up; to drag up; to increase; to raise (e.g. taxes); to withdraw; to leave; to promote (someone to a higher position)
shut-in; stay-at-home; hikikomori; social withdrawal; shunning other people
to take into one's possession; to receive; to take into one's care (e.g. person, pet); to take custody of; to leave; to go away
to draw or pull something towards oneself (e.g. chair)
to take on; to undertake; to take over; to inherit; to guarantee; to vouch for
to detain; to check; to restrain
to tighten; to stiffen; to brace; to strain
to cause; to induce; to bring about; to pull upright; to help up (e.g. a fallen person)
to take someone along; to be accompanied (by)
to stay indoors; to be confined indoors
to become tense; to be tightened; to become firm (e.g. body)
to turn back; to go back; to come back; to return; to retrace one's steps
drawer; withdrawal (of money from an account); variety of knowledge and experience useful for handling things impromptu
to cause; to induce; to bring about; to pull upright; to help up (e.g. a fallen person)
to pull into; to draw in; to bring in; to win over
to pull out; to take out; to lead out (e.g. a horse from a stable); to summon (e.g. to court); to withdraw (money); to draw
to exchange (things); to convert (currency); to be in contrast (to); to contrast (with)
to extract; to pull out; to draw out; to headhunt; to lure away; to poach
to drag in; to pull in
to withdraw; to leave; to retire; to back down; to give up
bargaining; haggling; tactics; strategy
to tear off
to tear up; to tear off; to rip up; to separate (e.g. a couple); to disrupt (a relationship)
to pull apart; to separate; to have a lead over; to pull ahead of; to outdistance
to bring back; to restore
to tear off; to rip off
continuously; continually; without a break; next; then; after that
to continue (for a long time); to occur in succession; to come next (e.g. on TV)
to set off to advantage; to bring into prominence; to support; to favor; to rouse (spirits); to march (a prisoner) off
to introduce; to compare; to check; to adjust; to pull into place
to take over; to hand over
to deliver; to extradite; to stretch across; to hand over
to drag into; to pull into; to lure inside; to win over; to entice into
close fitting trousers; working trousers; long johns; long underpants
to stretch larger; to enlarge (photos); to delay (e.g. the end of a meeting)
to cause; to induce; to bring about; to pull upright; to help up (e.g. a fallen person)
to draw (a bow) to the limit; to pull tight; to squeeze tight; to strain (voice)
to (physically) force someone to sit down
to vacate; to move out
to pull open
catching a cold; person with a cold
to haul down; to drag down; to pull down; to tow off; to force out; to dethrone
to draw around (e.g. a curtain); to drag around; to take (someone) around; to parade around; to order about; to lead
to pull down; to lower; to reduce; to withdraw
introduction; meeting
to cheer up; to liven up; to become active; to look better; to improve (in appearance); to stand out
reference; example; inquiry (about a product, business deal, etc.); enquiry; being summoned to appear to court; witness
train of dress; trailing skirt; woman who doesn't work and only thinks about fashion
to connect; to link together; to pull together; to close tightly; to purse (e.g. lips)
transactions; dealings; business
incessantly; continuously; continually; unceasingly; without a break
leaving; accepting
to continue (for a long time); to occur in succession; to come next (e.g. on TV)
to pay; to be profitable; to pull against each other
to pull up; to drag up; to increase; to raise (e.g. taxes); to withdraw; to leave; to promote (someone to a higher position)
to pull into; to draw in; to bring in; to win over
exchange; conversion
incessant; uninterrupted; continuous
ebb tide
to pull down
draw (in competition); tie game
to move; to move to a new location
rickshaw puller; rickshawman
to draw (the winning ticket); to apply; to compare; to put (oneself in someone's position)
to redraw (a line); to catch (a cold) again; to consult (a reference) again
to tear off
to move (house); to change residence
gift; souvenir; curtain; handle (on a fusuma or shoji door)
deduction; subtraction; balance; ebb and flow; rise and fall
tugboat; tug; towboat; tugging (a boat); towing; towage
to attract; to draw near; to charm; to attract; to have a convulsion
delivery; handing over; turning over; extradition
catching a cold; person with a cold
announcement flier (e.g. sale at a shop); raffle ticket; lottery ticket; hikifuda (type of playing cards numbered 1-6, used by the bank in tehonbiki); kurifuda
to saw off; to interrupt; to suspend; to discontinue
draw curtain; stage curtain
taking over; handing over; transfer of control; inheriting; passing on the baton
pulling up; drawing up; raising; increase; repatriation; evacuation
tug of war (orig. a form of divination to predict whether the year will be favourable or unfavourable); forward puller (of a rickshaw)
undertaking; underwriting; acceptance
ornately decorated horse used in processions of dignitaries; horse led by a rope
moment to quit; way to quit
to pull apart; to separate; to draw; to tie (a game)
to retreat; to withdraw; to deduct
to tear; to rip; to rend
floss silk
argument (e.g. function, program, programme)
scar; spasm; twitch; cramp
to pull down; to automatically debit (from a bank account)
skylight; trap door
a gossip; night watchman
dragnet; seine
drawstring; release cord; lead (e.g. for a dog)
insatiable drinker
sliding door
(measuring) ruler
to have a cramp
touting; tout; barker; pander
hiring from another company; recruitment; quick costume change in kabuki (taking off outer costume); drawing (wire, pipes, metal plate)
putting an end to; bringing to a close; person who opens and closes the curtains (in a theatre)
backroom deal
claimant; caretaker
knob; handle; catch; patron
gift; souvenir
extension; prolongation; enlargement (e.g. of a photograph)
reduction; cut
debit; withdrawal; pulling (one's opponent) down; frontal pull-down; hiki-otoshi
taking someone around; guidance; (arch.) parading a criminal through town before their execution (Edo period)
turning back
backwash; rip current; stern wave; drawback (of a tsunami, i.e. when a wave trough reaches land before a crest)
futures trading
line-marking machine; line marker
a copy; tracing
(railway) siding; service line; service wire
person who makes someone else appear better; foil
cash on delivery; COD
guarantor; acceptor (e.g. promissory note); underwriter (e.g. stock issue)
pulling techniques
stretching out a string; stretching out like a string; silk reeling; silk spinning; pulling someone's strings; appearance of strings from a Buddha's fingertips when being prayed to (folk belief)
mortgage; security
oiling; oiling brush
to pull apart
tax excluded
favor; favour; patronage; support; backing; recommendation
painted eyebrows
catching someone's attention by winking and tugging at their sleeve
hotel or lodging house tout
collecting herbs and pulling out young pine trees by the roots (annual event held on the first day of the Rat in the New Year)
reduced price
to have a strong pull
to let oneself be persuaded; to be influenced
draw stroke (canoeing)
fish scaler
long, thin-bladed knife used for sashimi preparation
retractable (e.g. tape measure, landing gear)
knitting using multiple strands of yarn as one
building relocation (without disassembly); house relocation
hired thief taker (Edo period); private secret policeman; private detective
Examples (3 in total)
The price of this car is discounted fifteen percent.
A thousand yen discount is a pretty great deal, no?
We can offer these new products at 20% below list price.