1. revision
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (46 in total)
alteration; falsification; faking
betterment; improvement; kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement)
improvement; reform
examination of tickets; ticket gate; ticket barrier
reorganization; reorganisation
revision; revised edition
revise (rules)
change; alteration; modification
remodelling; remodeling; reorganization; reorganisation
conversion; reform; correcting someone's conduct
structural alteration (of a building); reconstruction; rebuilding; remodelling; remodeling
revision; amendment; alteration
religious conversion
name change
revising (e.g. manuscript); rewriting; revised manuscript
calendar reform; adoption of a new calendar system; new calendar (for a new year); new year
new line; new paragraph; newline (e.g. LF, CR, CRLF)
change of rank
revision (of a rule, price, etc.); alteration; change
deterioration; changing for the worse
renaming; retitling
change of era
change of title; retitling; changed title
sea air; sea breeze; ocean and atmosphere; type of yarn-dyed silk goods
adaptation (of story)
renewal; extension; revision
change of one's family name; changed family name
improved product
improved strain; improved breed
retranslation; new translation; revised translation
repagination; new page; form feed; page break
revised law
revision; modified plan
reforming (esp. gasoline); reformulation; modifying
change of name or title; change of era
changing one's registered seal
re-drawing up (of family register); re-establishment
changing one's attitude or conduct and making a new start; turning over a new leaf
Land Improvement Act (1949, reformed in 2001); Land Improvement Law
change of one's surname
revision of an instruction; revised order
borrowing new scoring counters during an ongoing game