Usually written in kana
1. apt to (do); liable to; prone to; inclined to; tend to
after a noun or -masu stem of verb; describes a negative tendency
2. predominantly; mostly; having lots of
3. ... reaps the rewards; ... takes the prize; ... wins
usu. after もの
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
frequent; common; usual
shy; diffident; retiring; reserved
first come, first served; the early bird catches the worm
first come, first served; the early bird catches the worm
large-pupilled; dark-eyed; having large irises
proneness to being ill; being sick a lot; proneness to disease
being the sole winner; winner-take-all
great victory; big win; huge profit; killing
everybody for himself; everyone for themselves
apt to think; tend to think
hard-fought win; winning through perseverance
winning after defeat seems certain; coming from behind to win
winning a decision
apt to do; liable to do; tend to do; prone to do
straight-sets victory; straight-set win
mainly cloudy; tending to be cloudy
winning by an ippon; winning by a point
decisive win; winning hands down
winning by judges' decision (in judo)
victory due to the opponent's foul
winning accidentally
using more kana than characters
complete victory; clean record
"winner" of a meal paid for by dutch treat (i.e. the person who eats the most)
prone to crying
mixed cursive-style man'yōgana and hiragana writing