1. a bit more; a bit longer
Pitch accent
Composed of
small quantity; little; little while; short distance
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
almost; nearly; close to
almost; nearly; close to
Examples (47 in total)
I wish I were a little taller.
Can't you stay a little longer?
Give me some more tea.
Would you like some more tea?
Would you care for some more cake?
Come a bit closer.
Can I have some more milk?
You should calm down a little.
Will you have some more pie?
I wish I had a better memory.
Could I have some more soup, please?
Add a little more pepper.
Please give me a little more chocolate.
Would you like some more gravy?
Can we stay just a bit longer?
Tell me more about what happened.
Is it possible to be here a little longer?
A little more effort, and you will succeed.
Do you have a cheaper room?
Put in a little more sugar.
Would you like some more salt on your popcorn?
You must get up a little earlier.
If you could wait a little longer, I would appreciate it.
There is very little paper left, so order some more.
You should have come a little earlier.
There must have been some more tea in the pot.
Could you please give me some more examples of that?
Could you speak a little louder please?
If her nose were a little shorter, she would be quite pretty.
If only the doctor had come a little sooner.
Make this sentence a little shorter.
It's noisy around here, so speak a little louder.
I counseled her to wait a little longer.
Could you move forward so we can close the door?
Ask him to stay a while.
If he were a little younger, he would be eligible for the post.
Could you please speak more quietly? I have a hangover.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" "Let's wait until the sun goes down a bit."
My mother tasted the soup and added a little more salt.
With a little more care, the driver could have avoided such a tragic accident.
If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the last train.
I think we should use our time a bit more constructively.
From my point of view, it would be better to wait a little longer.
If he had been a little more careful, the accident would have been avoided.
She pleaded with him to stay a little bit longer.
Could I have some more tea?
With a little more patience, she would have succeeded.