1. under (guidance, supervision, rules, the law, etc.)
oft. のもとに or のもとで
2. under (a flag, the sun, etc.); beneath
3. with (e.g. one blow); on (the promise, condition, assumption, etc. that ...); in (e.g. the name of)
as ...のもとに
4. (somebody's) side; (somebody's) location
usu. written 元
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
with a single blow; with one stroke
under the guidance of; under the leadership of
equality before the law; equality under the law
followers take after their leaders; (lit.) there are no cowardly soldiers under a brave general
under one's parents roof
(his) side; (his) presence
that place; there; you
Examples (11 in total)
I work under her.
We are equal in the eyes of the law.
In communism, the means of production are owned by the state.