1. charge; cost; price
2. generation; age; (school) year; cohort; reign
3. era
4. a representative of; on behalf of; for (someone)
after someone's name or title
5. switchboard number
used after a phone number
6. counter for decades of ages, eras, etc.
7. counter for generations (of inheritors to a throne, etc.)
8. proxy application company
9. pronoun
used in dictionaries, etc.
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (181 in total)
alternate plan
yakuza coat of arms
taking turns; relieving the guard
praying by proxy; applying by proxy
period; epoch; the times; those days; oldness; ancientness
previous generation (e.g. one's parents); family predecessor; predecessor; previous age
Five Dynasties (of China; 907-979)
thousands of years; eternity; all generations
local governor (Edo period); local magistrate; bailiff; deputy official (middle ages); acting administrator
substitute runner
price of a flower; fee for a geisha's companionship
present age; present day; today; modern era; modern times
acting as agent; acting on (someone's) behalf; executing business for
three generations; three periods; third generation
writing on someone's behalf
forever; in perpetuity
rent; cover charge
signing by proxy
representative; representation; delegation; switchboard number; main number
representation; agency; proxy; deputy; agent; attorney
for generations; hereditary; generation after generation
age; era; period; date
the teens (10-19); teenage; the tenth generation
price; cost; charge; payment; bill; fee
one's twenties
the same generation; coeval
nth generation; nth (person to occupy a position, e.g. president)
successive generations; successive emperors
ancient time; age of the gods
speaking by proxy; speaking for (someone else); payment by proxy; compensation by proxy; acting for (someone else); carrying out (on someone's behalf)
the next era
substitute (e.g. actor); substitution; stand-in; double
generation; lifetime; age
uncommon; rare; extraordinary; matchless
earnings from a part-time job
the present age; these days; (present) head of the family
substitution; alternation; alternative; substitute
charge (e.g. admission, menu item); cost; price
price; cost; charge; consideration (in a contract)
pronoun; synonym; classic example; pattern
taking over (e.g. store or family's headship); subrogation; substitution of one person for another (usu. a creditor)
land rent
land rent
sales clerk
assistant instructor
hotel charges (for lodging, not meals, etc.)
chamberlain; castle keeper
parliamentarian; member of a congress
the same age; same period
spokesperson; speaker (for someone); mouthpiece; voice (e.g. for the ordinary citizen)
cost of a meal (or meals)
electric utility expense
cost of repairs
acting shugo (Kamakura or Muromachi period military governor)
Taishō period (1912-1926); Taisho period
charge for medicine
previous generation; former ages
overtime pay; overtime money; overtime payment
room rent
drink money; drinking money
long era; ages; eternity
answer a roll call for another
(nominal) retail price
(nominal) retail price
algebra; number of generations (e.g. in imperial succession)
transportation expenses; travel expenses; fare (train, taxi, etc.)
telephone bill; telephone rate
cost of a ticket; price of a ticket
venue cost; venue fee
surgery costs (fees)
medical fees
glorious reign; enlightened era
successive generations
brigadier general; commodore
thousands of years; eternity; all generations
one's parents' generation
successive generations
visiting a temple for another
gasoline (money); petrol (cost)
gas bill
the n-th generation head of a family
fee paid for space (e.g. for a stall)
representative; delegate
Tang period (China; 618-907); Tang era
carfare; cartage fee; honorarium
grand kagura performance at Ise; type of performance including the lion dance and juggling; Camellia japonica 'Daikagura' (cultivar of Japanese camellia)
substitute; deputy; proxy; representative; agent
Han dynasty (China, 202 BCE-220 CE)
room rent
well-known; fame
Song dynasty (China, 960-1279); Sung dynasty
amanuensis; scribe
subrogation; substitution
ticket price
money for books
Ming dynasty (China, 1368-1644)
fee charged at a public bath
cash on delivery; COD
cash on delivery; COD
loaner vehicle (e.g. from a garage which is repairing one's vehicle)
the eighties (age, years, etc.)
algebraic expression
substitute land
free of charge
lunch money
magnificent imperial reign
substitute lecturing; substitute lecturer
advocacy; pleading by proxy; speaking for another; attorney
laundry charges
fee paid for the services of a geisha or prostitute
cost for leasing
main telephone number
Cenozoic era
time charge for a geisha
money to see one over the New Year period
tooling cost; mold price
Collections of the Twenty-One Eras; twenty-one collections of waka compiled by imperial command (early Heian to early Muromachi)
money brought to a funeral; incense money; fee for a geisha's time
(mobile broadband) data cost
payment (for labour); pay; charge; wages
execution by proxy; subrogation (of administrative acts)
lady's pin money; cosmetics expense
assisting town official (Edo period)
assisting town official (Edo period)
agency; acting official
representing others in a conference
substitute; placeholder
Qing dynasty (China, 1644-1912); Ch'ing dynasty; Manchu dynasty
deputy estate steward; deputy jitō
replacement warship
substitute article
decade (of age); the ...ties
the present era
substitute priest
waiting in place of someone else
a notice
magazine's price
goodwill; intangible assets (part of the acquisition price of a business paid for the name and reputation of the company rather than tangible assets)
pro-verb (e.g. "to do")
Proterozoic era
substitute kanji; jōyō kanji used in place of a non-jōyō kanji
one who offers prayer in place of another
sign for another
pinch hitter
Archaeozoic (Archeozoic) Era
legal representative; legal guardian
seven generations of celestial deities
relative pronoun
algebraic theory
pronominal verb
algebraic variety; locus defined by polynomial equations
bill for article
Hadean; Hadean eon
wholesale price
shelf space rent; shelf space fee
National People's Congress (of the People's Republic of China); NPC
Cryptozoic (period)
(mobile broadband) data cost
points awarded for scoring combinations
draft (of a document)
Examples (26 in total)
The bus fare was raised.
How much did the flight cost?
The price does not include the box.