1. good (quality, condition, etc.)
2. Good (grade); B
on a 優, 良, 可 scale
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (49 in total)
the best; ideal
bad; poor; inferior; delinquent; hoodlum; hooligan
improvement; reform
improvement; amelioration
husband; good person
goodness; excellence; virtue
good; fine; excellent; favorable; favourable; satisfactory
pure and good; unmixed and of high quality; good-natured; genuine; wholesome
superior; excellent; fine
good citizens; law-abiding people
good sense
good quality; fine quality; superior quality; high quality
good family; respectable family; decent family
good family; respectable family; decent family
upright; fair; honest
good match; suitable candidate (for marriage); good opportunity to be saved by Buddha
good plan or policy
good idea; good plan
good medicine
good wife
fine article; good-quality item; quality product
member of parliament; the elite
husband; good person
good book; valuable work
loyalty and goodness
good harbor (harbour); fine harbor
great general
good or bad
good seed or breed
good teacher
good; favourable; favorable; successful
good plan
good and obedient; gentle; meek
good method
good custom
good material; good timber; able persons
moonlit night
good doctor
good custom
good conductor (of heat, etc.)
skilled artisan
natural ability
good wine; good drink
competent local official
good medicine
good track; firm track; fast track